Monday, October 8, 2012

Free Weekend & a Baby Shower

Work wrapped up on Friday and I wasn't sure what to with myself...we didn't have a wedding OR a Gopher game this weekend, it felt AMAZING! 

Friday night, I met up with my super handsome hubby for a date night. Jason just sort-of got a new job, so we went out to celebrate. He is still working for the same company, and still doing the same job, only now he is working on the Liquor side versus the Wine side of the company. He is really excited about the opportunity and it sounds like it is going to be awesome for him! I am so excited for my boy and so super proud of how hard he's been working. Jason and I tried a little place called Bistro 11. One of Jason's co-workers bar tends there on the weekends (and his sister-in-law owns it), so we stopped in to see him and give it a try. The place was ADORABLE, the food was delicious AND I got my signature cocktail (san pellegrino and green olives) in a champagne flute.
It was a fun night and I was so happy to spend some one-on-one time with my honey.  

Saturday was one of those days where you are totally and completely lazy and yet somehow get a bunch of stuff done. I woke up around 10am and went straight from bed to the couch where I proceeded to snuggle with my little friend for another hour. 
And then the strangest thing happened....Jason, my darling husband, decided ALL ON HIS OWN that our carpet needed to be steam cleaned (which it did), so he went to his dad's to borrow their steam cleaner and then proceeded to steam our carpet all on his own. 
Can you say "nesting"?
So amazing.

I then did some light cleaning around the house....let me just say that my one room a day idea might just be the most brilliant idea I've ever had. I'm one week in and it's totally working!
Everyone loves a clean nightstand. 

The rest of Saturday was spent running a couple of errands, eating Mac and Cheese, reading my book, walking Bailey, taking a RIDICULOUSLY long and luxurious shower, painting my nails {which I never do, for god reason}, cheering on the Aggies and having our first fire of the fall.

Sunday was my second baby shower hosted by my gorgeous Step-Sister and Mama. Those two put so much work into this and the shower was absolutely beautiful.

My mom and sister made all of the delicious food themselves, well except for the cupcakes which are from my favorite little place, Sweet Retreat. I can't even imagine how much time they spent cooking this incredible food, especially since most of it was Greek and there is nothing quick about cooking Greek food. Deviled eggs, pita and hummus, assorted olives, orzo salad, spanikopita and dolmades were just some of the yummy snacks they made! 

I was completely overwhelmed by all the amazing gifts. These ladies really spoiled me and Nugget and this little one has quite a bit to be grateful for-such as a stroller, Pack N Play, Glider chair (though I am the one who is super grateful for that), bath tub, diaper genie, TONS of adorable clothes, and some fabulous accessories....little lady is going to be quite the fashion plate. 

The shower guests were all family and very dear friends. It was such a special group of people and I absolutely loved having everyone all together. It warms my heart to see how much all these important people in my life already love this little girl. I seriously tear up  thinking about it.

To my Mama & Sissy Face, 
Thank you both SO much for all the hard work you put into throwing a beautiful shower. Everything was perfect and I had the best time. You two completely outdid yourselves. 
Me & the Nugget are so lucky to have you both. 

This morning I am off to see my doctor and get an ultrasound....fingers and toes crossed that everything looks OK. 

Oh, and one more thing...
Today is October 8th.
My due date is November 8th. 
I'm bad at math, so I'll let you figure this one out. 


  1. OMG one more month to go!!! That's so cute how Jason decided all on his own to steam the rug. That's one of the many things on my before-baby-comes-to-do list. I think my husband needs to take some lessons from Jason!
    What an adorable shower. All of that food looks amazing.

  2. Wait... was Kara there@

  3. Sooo sweet! You are so blessed :) Loving that 'kiss the belly' pic haha!! I cannot wait for this lil gal to get here and be dressed to impress!

    Sending some prayers your way that the dr's appt goes GREAT!!! :)

  4. oh, i love it! looks like such a fun shower and ONE MONTH AWAYY!!??? yah.

    p.s. i LOVE orzo salad and that looked YUMMY!

  5. sounds like a lovely weekend! nesting jj is cute. and the shower looks amazing!!!

  6. oh my one month can't wait to meet nugget and learn a name and see the nursery! You are glowing in your pictures at the shower and your hair fell perfectly.

  7. what a FAB weekend! and that greek food-yummmmm!

  8. Sounds like a great weekend! Such a pretty shower too and you made out like a bandit! One more month .... How exciting!!

  9. You looked so FAN-FRICKIN-TASTIC at the shower! HOW CUTE :-D Looks like it was an amazing weekend.

  10. Looked like another great shower you had! You looked so pretty, I love the dress you wore!

  11. love this dress! you look so pretty pregnant


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