Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My First Born is 4!

Four years ago in a small Iowa town, there was Beagle mama who gave birth to an adorable litter of puggle puppies. 

But one of these puggles stood out above the rest...

I first met my baby girl when she was 4 weeks old and it was love at first site. 

After the longest four weeks of my life, we were finally able to bring her home. 

Jason and I never in a million years could have anticipated how much we would love this little puggle . Over the last 4 years Bailey has brought us so much joy and I truly cannot remember life without her. 
Tonight we will be celebrating the birth of our first born with a delicious Peanut Butter & Carrot Cake that I made! Well, Bailey will be eating the cake, Jason will probably drink some wine and I will be eating candy like it's my job. 

I will leave you with a whole load of cuteness from Bailey's 4th year. 

Happy Birthday my Angel. 
Mommy loves you!


  1. She is so adorable!!! Happy 4th Birthday!!!

  2. she is SO CUTE! that last photo? She's smiling! I die. haha. Happy birthday bailey!

  3. Aw Happy Birthday!
    Btw that hutch in your kitchen looks so pretty. Room tour?

  4. Ooooh, what a little cutie! Happy birthday to you!

    I love his little butt in that one pic.

  5. What a cutie! Happy Birthday Bailey!

  6. Happy birthday Bailey! Your fiance Cooper has something REAL special planned. Unless he's too busy rolling in the leaves. Then you'll just have to do that too.

  7. Your furry friend, Knox, sends birthday wishes and sniffs. xoxo

  8. Hahaha awww so cute. Happy bday baybay. Much love. Muuahz Xoxox
    Auntie coley

  9. Oh my gosh! She is just precious!!!

  10. Hey Kristen! Nice to "meet" you, too! Thanks for reading my post over at Ruthie's. :) Awwww... your Bailey pup is so cute!! Happy Birthday Bailey!!!!! I know he will love that cake. Such a good momma. :) I love the picture of him sleeping with his legs out behind him. Chara always sleeps that way, too. it's presh!


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