Friday, October 19, 2012

My Belly {37 weeks}

Nugget this week...
*is full term! 
*is practicing inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping & blinking
*is getting ready for that first (meconium) poop

Size of the baby?  
If baby is growing an ounce a day like she's supposed to she should be 6 pounds 3 ounces right now.

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
29.6 pounds....I think my hopes of staying under 30 are long gone.

Maternity Clothes?  
3 weeks to go and still wearing only one pair of maternity jeans. I made it through the summer in cotton dresses and now that the weather is cool and I'm so close to being NOT-pregnant I just cannot bring myself to spend money on maternity clothes.

Stretch marks?  
Happy to report NO!

Best Moments?  
Finishing the nursery and completing the baby to-do list!

Still getting a butt in my ribs and a foot in my side but her movement has slowed down a lot, I can tell she's running out of wiggle room in there.

Food Cravings?  
No real cravings, in fact I have no appetite at all

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Still not loving meat.

What I miss?  
I miss being comfortable.

I threw up quite a bit thanks to the damn flu but am feeling much better now.

Heartburn, Heartburn, Heartburn! YUCK!

Labor signs?  
I had my weekly appointment on Monday afternoon and was still only 1/2 cm dilated, which I'm OK with because unless something really crazy happens I should be able to make it through my brother's wedding without going in to labor.


Belly Button In or Out?
It's popped, but still isn't a crazy outie.

Wedding rings On or Off?  
Rings are still on! Holler!

I think my nights of hard sleep are forever gone. I am having the worst time getting comfortable and rolling over is the biggest production. so. darn. tired.

What I'm looking forward to? 
My brother's wedding this weekend!


  1. Per usual, you look adorable! That's crazy you still have an aversion to meat!

  2. Youre adorable as usua! The end is near my love. :)

  3. no stretch marks?! Can I be you?? I am getting so excited!

  4. your glowing and look so happy in the above picture I can't tell that you are getting like no sleep. Have fun this weekend!

  5. Yay for full-term baby! Now once you get through this weekend you're good to go! :) You look adorable.

  6. Such a cute little prego. Can you believe that someday you will be willing to do this all again! xo m

  7. oofta, so close! a (former) friend's sister had her baby yesterday at 10 weeks early.. so it's good little nugget keeps cooking! It's going to be weird when she's finally here, and there are photos of a baby. I mean, I've never really followed a blog "pre-pregnangy" and been there for the WHOLE 9 months. crazy! Also, super interested to see what happens to that meat aversion post pregnancy! haha

  8. Dude! We almost get to meet Nugget!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEK!

  9. U look so freaken adorable. U go girl. And doesn't when u have heartburn bad mean baby has lots of hair. Lol yay not bald like I was. So then j won't draw hair on the babies head like he did to me. Lmfao hahahahahaha
    Love ya Muuahz Xoxox

  10. yay! full term congrats! you are looking great

  11. oh em gee oh em gee!!

    so excited for you, looking fabulous girl!

  12. eeeek it's just around the corner

  13. have so much fun at the wedding, i can't believe how close you are!!

  14. Ahhhh, you're almost there!! You look adorable!

  15. I am SO excited for you!!!! You look wonderful!!
    That first poop is something else, let me tell you...haha!


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