Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Little Brother's Wedding

My baby brother is a married man! I cannot believe it! It was such an incredible weekend, and here comes a picture overload to prove it. 

The wedding weekend kicked off on Friday morning with a lovely bridesmaid luncheon. 

The hostesses used photos of each of us with the bride as our place setting...it was pretty obvious that my photo was the best of the bunch! :)

That evening it was time to rehearse the ceremony. 

My dad & his kids

Bride & Groom

Groom & his sisters

Mother of the Groom

My favorite boys. 

Groomsmen being bossed around by the wedding planner

Bride & Bridesmaids

Bride, Groom & Officiant (who is the bride's grandpa!)

After we were well rehearsed we all headed downtown Minneapolis to the Chambers Hotel for a lovely Groom's dinner hosted by my parents. 

I kicked off the BIG DAY at my mom's house enjoying coffee with my Aunt Tina & Uncle Mark. It was nice having some quality time (even though it was short) with them while they were in town. AND, they brought me and the Nugget this ADORABLE gift basket filled with outfits, diapers, a blankie, shampoo, picture frame and of course a bee or two:

Then it was time to meet up with the bride and the other bridesmaids at the hotel for glam:

We spent the morning sipping on champagne (or water for me), snacking and watching my all-time favorite movie Titanic!

 Nugget was beating me up while I was getting my hair done:

Tate was as cool as a cucumber the whole day! She was calm and excited the entire morning even after putting on THE DRESS! 

Nate & Tate decided not to see each other before the ceremony, so we did some separate family photos before walking down the aisle. 

 Jason sporting his wedding day cuff links. 

I have to say, having the hotel, ceremony, pictures and reception at the same place made the day run so smooth. We weren't rushing around like crazy or lugging our stuff from one place to another. After pictures we actually had over an hour of downtime, is that unheard of or what? It was AMAZING! Especially for a 9 month preggo bridesmaid. All the girls had the opportunity to relax and eat some more before the ceremony which I'm certain is why I was able to tear up the dance floor until after midnight. 

I don't have any photos from the ceremony because, well, I was in it but I will tell you it was wonderful. I completely lost it walking down the aisle and seeing my little brother standing there in a tux waiting for his bride. To make matters worse, he had the most adorable face I've ever seen when Tate walked down the aisle...I couldn't keep it in people. And looking across to the groomsmen and seeing my husband made it even worse, I was a ball of emotions and the tears were-a-flowin'.

After the ceremony the guests enjoyed a cocktail party while we finished wedding photos with the bride and groom. I was able to sneak off to a balcony to grab these pictures of the ballroom before guests were seated for dinner...
The lighting isn't the best, but isn't it so gorgeous?

Dinner was fabulous and the Father-of-the-Bride speech rivaled my dad's...which I didn't think was possible. Don't worry dad, my vote still goes to you! :) 

After dinner the bride and groom kicked off the reception with their first dance....

 ...followed by the Father/Daughter dance and the Mother/Son dance
my little mama even made it through the whole dance without crying...so proud! 

The rest of the night was spent with family...mostly on the dance floor! Y'all, I was determined to dance this baby out, which clearly didn't work...but I was a sweaty mess and had a blast! It was clearly the most I've worked out in a while because my body was SORE on Sunday.  
LOVE this pic of me and J during the anniversary dance.  

My step-dad Steve joined the band to serenade the newly weds.

My beautiful cousin, Sara

Cousin Ben and Aunt Nancy!

Dancing with my brother

Me and the happy couple.

It was an incredible weekend and I can't really believe it's all over! My baby brother is a married man!
I truly couldn't be more proud to be his big sissy!


  1. Girl, you looked gorgeous both days!


    Congrats to your lil bro, so exciting!

    YAY nugget arrival soon! xoxo

  2. What a beautiful wedding! You look amazing! I teared up a little when I read about your tears walking down the aisle and seeing your little brother, I know one day I'll do the same.

  3. you have such a good looking family! You looked gorgeous I loved your make up. I am glad that you had such a good weekend and nugget made it through.

  4. her name is tate! So pretty! I love that. and your hair is SO LONG! So pretty, though! looks like a great night!

  5. Awwwwwwwww!! I just LOVE weddings. Looks like a weekend that you want to relive over and over again.

    All of you women looks SO BEAUTIFUL. You and baby of course looked so stunning (your hair looked so soft and pretty :-) And WHY can't I look as good as your sister does in red lipstick?? ;-D

    Too bad you didn't "dance the baby out" but SO fun that you had a blast!!

  6. aww this is beautiful!congratulations to your brother. I know I've told you before but your family has amaze genes!!! mwuah!! tiem for nugget to come out :)

  7. Congratulations to your brother! And you look great!

  8. Looks like a fun time! :) Congrats to Nate & Tate! :)

  9. Her name is Tate?!!? I like it as a girl name also (it's my husbands name) and your brothers name is Nate...which my husbands lil bro is named also! haha...love the similarities!

    Wedding looked gorgeous and you looks so beautiful! Pregnancy glow for sure!

  10. gorgeous photos-you are beautiful!

  11. What a beautiful wedding! I'm going to be the same way when my little bro gets married. You looked beautiful!


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