Friday, November 30, 2012


Holy Macaroni! Can you believe TOMORROW is December 1st?
I know you're all excited for this month because of the MAJOR holiday coming up...MY BIRTHDAY! duh!

December always proves to be an incredibly busy month! And seeing as I have been a wee bit distracted with a certain little someone, I have a lot to get done this month! 

By now you all know I accomplished my November goal of having a baby, but now it's time to get serious and actually get some shit done!

Here's what I need and would like to get accomplished during December: 

*Send out Christmas Cards!
I need to get these suckers designed and sent ASAP!

*Get a haircut.
Seems so silly but it's been an embarrassingly long time since I've cleaned up these split ends.

*Make gallery wall over fireplace.
We have a big space over our fireplace that currently has a painting that I want in our bedroom hanging on it, SO I want to move the painting and make a mini gallery wall. 

*Celebrate my birthday! 

*Wrap Christmas gifts. 
I actually have most of my shopping done! Now I need to get to wrapping. 

*Go to yoga. 
It's time to get this body back in shape. I know I'm  going to have to ease into it, so I'm starting with the small goal of getting to at least one class this month.

*Finish the master bedroom. 
I started to redo our bedroom and got a little sidetracked planning for baby. I'd like to make the final finishing touches this month and finally be done with it. 

*Have 2nd Annual Christmas dessert making party with my Beeb
We had so much fun making tons of desserts last year that we decided to make it a yearly tradition! 

*Start thinking of some New Years resolutions!
2013 is right around the corner and I need to think of what I want to accomplish next year. 

What are you hoping to accomplish before this year is done?


  1. Good list beeb! :) You can do it all!

  2. Sounds like a busy month, but with lots of fun in there. And yay for Birthdays! Mine is this month as well! I can't wait! Have a great day!

  3. 1) I love the blog update with Kenley pictures! She is super precious!

    2) Happy birthday month, woop!

    3) Can I face time while the two beebs make desserts?!?!?


  4. It doesn't matter what you send out as a christmas card because if it includes Kenley it will be perfect! I love that you and the beeb are making a tradition out of your baking. and I am impressed to find out that you are pretty much done shopping while you were preparing for baby!

  5. WOOO you go girrrrl!!

    birthday month!?! and christmas!?!?! and lil bebe!?!? what an amazing month for you!

    ok an my hair is a HOT EFFING MESS. The split end fairies need to fix my mop as well

    happy weekend love!

  6. Cannot wait for the National Holiday...your Birthday!!! xo m

  7. You're so organized even with a baby.. love it! :)

    I'd like to make a roman shade for our kitchen window, keep to a cleaning list, organize our office and finish painting inside! Ugh... so much to do! haha

  8. Oh and find time to blog again... yeah, that would be nice ;)


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