Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kenley's Birth Day

Wowza, I am SO behind! 
Kenley is THREE WEEKS OLD today! How did this happen? 

November 15th was definitely a CRAZY day. 
Kenley was born at 1:07am...
...and had quite the first day. 

We were moved up to our postpartum room at around 5:00am (after my dad had brought us McDonalds...LIFESAVER!) 
Me, Jason and Kenley were able to sleep from about 5:45am to 7:30am and then the visitors starting rolling in. Kenley had a lot of very important people to meet!

She had to meet all EIGHT of her grandparents. 

She got to meet 6 of her Aunts & Uncles!

And she got to meet a bunch of her honorary Aunts and Uncles!

Super shout out to our pal, Colin, who held up his promise and brought me a Twisted Tea! Sadly, because of the 9 months without a drink and the medication I was on I got a buzz after half the can and had to stop! 

As if meeting all those people wasn't enough, Kenley also had her first bath!
and, no, she did not love it. 

Thankfully, in between the nurses checking in on us and all the wonderful visitors we were able to get in some snuggles. 

Then, just 36 hours after Kenley was born, we were out of there and on our way home!


  1. Such an eventful first day!! :)

  2. Chipotle and Twisted Tea!! LOVE it. Such a funny photo ;-D Love this post full of Kenley's biggest fans. Sending hugs your way, hope you're doing well friend :-)

  3. BABY JEANS! I die. so adorable. That Chipotle made me seriously hungry. Note to self for the future- send M out for a burrito bowl after birth. hahaha

  4. Ohhh she is just so sweet! I love how LOVED she is already, goodness! With all those grandparents and uncles & aunts, never gonna be a shortage of love for lil miss!

    I LOVED the Chipotle and twisted tea, that was just hilarious to me! That will totally be me!!

    Her going home outfit is SO perfect!!!

  5. I love love the last three pictures they are perfection! So glad that you got to have a twisted tea!

  6. sweet little Kenley! MORE PICS PLEASE!!!

  7. Kenley is adorable! and twisted tea is the shiz.

  8. Kenley is adorable!! Love all the pictures!

  9. the snuggles melted my heart! SO precious. How is your face doing? update me. I feel so weird asking that lol

  10. Oh my gosh! She is so adorable! And the pics of you guys together are precious! I love that you dressed her in your school's gear for going home!

  11. your little family is so cute! I love the Twisted Tea - what a great friend haha!

  12. Love love. Happy 3 weeks my beautiful god daughter. MuuaH Xoxox loves yah

  13. You amaze me by your many gifts and how you use them. I am so proud of you in every way. xo m

  14. such a lovely story :) the pic of you and kenley sleeping is the best!

  15. What a busy first day! Awesome pic of you with the Twisted Tea! Soldier status. She is so adorable.

  16. twisted tea and chipotle?? that is awesome!!

  17. Aww! So sweet. Kenley has a LOT of family and people who love her very much already :)

  18. she is so stinking cute!! i'm so happy for your family


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