Monday, November 5, 2012

One Year.

One year ago, I woke up in the guest room at my mom's house with just one thought running through my head, 
"Today is my wedding day."
I got out of bed, took a shower and hopped in the car with my mom, my Jimmy Choos and my wedding dress and was off to meet my best friends. 

One year ago, I spent the morning with the women I love most in the world; listening to music, getting pampered, eating, and drinking coffee... all the things we do best. 

One year ago, I put on my wedding dress.. 

One year ago, I toasted to my wedding day with my sisters and best friends. 

One year ago, I rode up an elevator and walked down a hall towards the man I would soon vow to spend my life with. 

One year ago, I held onto my dad's arm as he walked me down the aisle and gave me away to the love of my life. 

One year ago, I stood before God, my family, and my friends and said "I DO."

One year ago, I kissed my husband for the first time.

One year ago, was the best day of my life.

To my husband,
I don't know how I can properly thank you for the past year. We definitely started out with a bang! I am so excited for what life has in store for us and if this first year is any indication, it's going to be filled with lots of fun, surprises and love.
 I love you so much and am so grateful to have you as my partner in crime for all of time.
One year down, forever to go.


  1. Aw happy 1st anniversary! I remember following along during your engagement planning.. such a fun time! :) Have a wonderful day just the two of you before baby arrives! xo

  2. Happy Happy 1st anniversary sweet friend! Your pictures are beautiful and your tribute so touching! I hope you have a fabulous day today!


  3. Happy Anniversary!!! November is going to to be such a great month for you:)

  4. Happy happy anniversary!!! Hope you have a fabulous day celebrating :)

  5. awww, so sweet! :) Happy Anniversary, you two are so great together! (or so I've gathered from solely my internet stalking.. ;-))

  6. Awww...congratulations on your first anniversary!! I hope you two have an amazing day today.

  7. This was so beautiful!!! Congrats on your one year anniversary!!!

  8. I could look at your wedding pictures all day long! You were a total model! And what a year it has been!!! YAY!

  9. Happy Anniversary to you and Jason! You make such a beautiful couple, and a soon to be beautiful family :)

  10. Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe all the exciting things that has happened for you in the past year!

  11. Happy anniversary! Gosh you are such a beautiful bride! Enjoy before nugget comes or she can make today really special and decide to make an appearance!

  12. I can't believe it's already been a year! it has definitely flown by.
    so excited for you and all that's coming your way :)
    congrats sister!

  13. Congratulations to one of the most beautiful couples. I'm so excited to see what year 2 holds for you.

  14. chills chills chills!!!! I just love you 2! Happy anniversary!!!

  15. chills chills chills!!!! I just love you 2! Happy anniversary!!!

  16. LOVE this post!! Have a great time together today!!!

  17. Such a sweet post!!! Happy Anniversary!!! Now pop that munchkin out!!! :)

  18. Awww kris that was beautiful. Happy 1year anniversary. Love u Xoxox

  19. Happy anniversary to two of my faves!

  20. Happy Anniversary!!!! You were such a beautiful bride!!

  21. Plain and simple? This was THE SWEETEST post. Srrsly. Congrats on getting one year under your belt and to many, MANY more!! :-D

  22. You looked beautiful! Loved your hair and makeup!



  23. This is precious. Happy Anniversary to the both of you!!!



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