Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top Ten...Wedding Photos

I've decided to play a fun little game with myself on this here blog...I'm calling it Top Ten Tuesdays and every week I will treat you all to a different Top Ten list. I thought it might be a fun way for y'all to get to know me better and those of you who are lucky enough to know me in real life might just learn something new.

And, all you bloggers out there, if you want to play along...feel free! No link up, no button, just play if you want, but at least give me credit for the GENIUS idea. :)

Since our one year anniversary was yesterday, I thought today's "Top Ten Tuesday" topic would appropriately be my Top Ten Wedding Photos!

It took me an insanely long time to narrow these down because I have A LOT of favorites, but these are the ones that top the list. 

I had so much fun the morning of my wedding hanging out with my sisters and best girlfriends! Part of their bridesmaid gift was personalized champagne glasses to toast with on the Big Day. This picture was taken right before we walked out the door to go see my groom. 

I absolutely loved my wedding dress, but I think it was the little details all put together that really made me feel the most beautiful I've ever felt, which is why I love this picture so much. My bouquet was made up of my favorite flower - the calla lily and I added the Lymphoma pin for my bridesmaid, Courtney, who was battling Lymphoma at the time of the wedding {she's now 9 months in remission!}, the earrings were the same ones my mom wore on her wedding day, the hair clips and bracelet were random beauties I picked up along the way and the Jimmy Choos, well, you can read that story HERE! 

This picture was from our first dance....and I love everything about it.  

My mama is gorgeous and there are some great pictures of the two of us from my wedding day, but this one is most certainly my favorite! Its says it all. 

My dad isn't the most emotional guy but his role as Father-of-the-Bride really brought it out of him. I have some great pictures of us walking down the aisle and our father/daughter dance, but this one taken right after his amazing speech is my favorite. 

 This photo is from our first look....can you see me walking towards J in the background? Jason looks so stinkin' cute in this picture and I love it so much. 

I have an 8x10 of this one framed in our bedroom, I love the color effect that Sara added to it, I love how my dress looks, I love J's shoes, I really love everything about it! 

 Jason and I are so blessed to have such incredible friends and our wedding party was a BLAST. They're all crazy and that's why we love them. Our time with the wedding party after the ceremony was the most fun part of the day and this is my favorite picture of all of us.

 I absolutely ADORE this photo! Our brother and sister are on the left, our best man and maid of honor are on the right and my step-sister is in the corner. I love that we are surrounded by our favorite people in this pic, plus Jason's face is adorable! 

This picture is definitely my favorite of the whole day. It's our first photo has husband and wife! While we both look blissfully happy (and we were) we were laughing because Sara (our photographer) jumped out of nowhere to snap this shot and we were both laughing at her. 

{all photos by the amazing Sara Jayne Photography}


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love 'em all girl! Jason looks SO studly in that pic of him where you're coming down the hall (am I allowed to say that?) And I love the one you have an 8x10 of- GORGEOUS! :)

  3. Love them all, but you're right! #1 photo shows you both genuinely laughing and it is just PERFECT!!

  4. Love all these photos! And itis a genius idea!! :)

  5. WOW, i love all of them. Great great great pictures. All of them capture incredibly special moments!


  6. I cant choose my favorite!! Seriously love your wedding pics!!!!!!

  7. Hahahaha love it. And j s face in that one is priceless. Love love. Muuahz xoxo
    See ya soon.

  8. What a great idea. I don't know how you narrowed it down to 10. When I made my wedding album I drove myslef insane picking photos and that was a whole lot more than 10.

  9. Love. Your shoes were absolutely gorgeous!!!

  10. Totally stealing this idea: Top Ten Tuesday! Love this! And I love your wedding pictures- it was a beautiful day! Can't wait for the blog to be filled with baby pics!

  11. Love the Top Ten Tuesdays!! And your pics...always gorgeous!!

  12. I love your selections even the one of us. And you know how fussy I am! Sara is one of a kind. xo m

  13. Love all of these! We have a picture of us walking out of the ceremony too that is my favorite as well. Captures the extreme joy both us were feeling at that moment. You are beautiful!

  14. Pretty pics! I used to post a Tuesday {ten}ies on my blog. It was one of my fav wkly posts, it really brings out some creativity. I look forward to more top ten lists!


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