Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Past 40 Weeks

The day is finally here, I have reached my due date! As I sit here and not-so-patiently wait for my Nugget to make her grand entrance, I think back to the past 40 weeks and can't believe how fast it's all gone. I don't think it's ever going to sink in that this is the end and any day now I could be holding my daughter for the first time.  

Watching my belly {and boobs and butt and thighs and arms} grow has been quite an adventure. I will say it's not easy getting bigger and bigger and watching that number on the scale get higher and higher but it really has been quite incredible seeing my body change, especially knowing that it's all for my baby! I really can't get over how crazy this whole pregnancy thing will forever blow my mind that it is even possible for all of this to happen. Nothing short of a miracle, for sure. 

I think back to the day I saw that positive pregnancy test and though it feels like it was FOREVER ago, I can't believe that since that day I have grown a full-sized human baby. I remember that first ultrasound and seeing that little blip on the screen and now I can feel her foot, I know where her bony little butt is and any day now she will be in my's all just so incredible.

It's been 9 months filled with love, excitement and celebrations and while I won't miss the sore back, the food aversions and always being volunteered as the designated driver, I will miss the extra TLC from family, friends and even strangers and most of all will miss feeling my baby move inside of me. It's a feeling that is indescribable and is most definitely the best part of being pregnant. Selfishly, I will miss being the only one to have that connection with her, BUT, there's no doubt that I am ready to share this little princess with the world. 

Any day now....


  1. I got emotional reading this....I cannot wait to see her and watch you become and awesome mommy!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yes please come on out lil one. Right now U have till Sunday lil one. I want to spend atleast some time before I have to go. Come on come on come out come out pretty please! Thanks!
    U look so adorable kris.
    Muuahz xoxo
    Love u

  3. OH my, what a sweet post!

    I love all of the pictures, so cool seeing how the body changes!

    You look great :)!

    Come out lil nugget, time to meet the is your BIRTHDAY :)!


  4. Come meet the world lil K!!!! :) I cannot believe it's here. You are going to be such an amazing momma!!

  5. wow! you are incredible. While it is not fun to see your body changing and getting bigger we love seeing nugget grow! I can't wait till you get to finally meet her and while you won't be the only one who has that special connection can you imagine getting to see how Jason will be with her because I bet that will be just as special.

  6. I am so looking forward to the annoucement that she is here. I loved following you along this journey! Good luck and I will be praying for a smooth, healthy and fast delivery!

  7. I second Bridget, it's been fun to watch from marriage to baby, and have been around the whole time!

    Also? The difference from 29-32? POP. baby. haha. it was the most "dramatic" of the ones, I noticed. can't wait for the announcement!

  8. I'm SO excited for you! You are going to LOVE being a mommy!

  9. Ahh! You look amazing! :) I can't wait to see pictures of that sweet baby girl! Happy due date!

  10. Come on baby girl! You look great, it must be so exciting that any day now you will finally be able to hold her. However, I can relate- I'm totally going to miss feeling those kicks.

  11. Kristin- I swear that every mama that does a blog like this- "ready to meet my baby!" goes into labor within 48 hours! Here is hoping it works for you too!

  12. What a good mama you will be. Soon my dear. xo m

  13. OMG. Crying. Seriously. Watching you go through the journey to become a mommy has been one of my favorite parts of our friendship. I am so excited to meet that little nugget. She's going to be the luckiest little Fawver in the bunch. And that's a LOT of Fawvers.

  14. ANY DAY NOW!! Soooooooo excited for you all :-D

  15. I was 2 days after the 40 week point with Reagan. I ate spicy orange chicken from a Chinese place here and had sex. Try that ;) haha. Thinking of you!!

  16. Aww, this was so sweet!! Makes me so excited for what is to come the rest of my pregnancy! My due date seems FOREVER away but I know it will fly by. Can't wait to see pictures of your baby girl!! Hope she comes soon!

  17. I'm just so excited for you! This is one of the most amazing things you'll ever experience and I'm so glad I've been along for the ride! Can't wait to "meet" your nugget!!

  18. I'm so excite for you!! What a journey, I can't believe it is already your due date! You must be dying with anticipation! I can't wait to learn her name!!! ek!!

  19. I can't believe you are already 40 weeks! I feel like it was just yesterday that you told everyone that you were pregnant! Congrats on your new little girl! I am so excited for you and your family!

  20. You have looked absolutely beautiful the entire time!

  21. nothing changed over the last 40 weeks expect a gorgeous glow and beautiful baby belly! you have that look of COME ON BABY, MOMMAS READY! best of luck in whats to be the best time of your life, i cant wait for her announcement!

  22. I teared up reading this!!! You are SO SO beautiful!! Can't wait to see the birth announcement!!


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