Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Anniversary Recap

The past week has been so fun which I am really appreciating because staying busy and having fun things to look forward to is the ONLY (and I mean ONLY) thing keeping me sane right now. 

As our 1 year anniversary approached I knew that I really wanted to do something fun for Jason, something that he would really love. I had a bunch of gift ideas but when it comes down to it, my hubs gets WAY more excited about doing fun things then he does about new stuff. SO, I decided to attempt a surprise date for my man. I say "attempt" because Jason is IMPOSSIBLE to surprise. First of all, the boy is so dang nosy! Second of all, he can read me like a book and knows INSTANTLY when I'm up to something. 
I'm still not really sure how, but I actually managed to surprise him. 

We have both been SO wound up for this year's Timberwovles season. We've always been big fans but with the addition of some awesome new players we were more excited about this year than any of the previous years. It just so happened that the season opener was a home game on Friday, November 2nd (the weekend before our anniversary)...PERFECT! The only problem was the fact that I had NO control over when our baby would be I didn't want to get tickets and then have her come and not be able to go to the game. 

I decided to order Jason a new Timberwolves track jacket and make him a little coupon that told him I was taking him to one of our favorite restaurants ( wings in Minnesota) and the game OR a post-baby game of his choosing. November 2nd finally arrived and with no signs of baby I got last minute tickets (with some help from my dad and his endless basketball connections), finalized my coupon and wrapped up the track jacket. 
Jason was definitely surprised! I somehow managed to keep my mouth shut and not say a peep the entire week he was talking about the game. Best part of it was that Jason was trying to find tickets all week and wasn't able to! The T-wolves played a great game and WON and dinner at Runyon's was delicious as always! 
I only took one darn picture the whole night, but here we are: 

Apparently, great minds think alike because the week before our anniversary Jason asked me if I would be OK with him planning a special date as my gift...which, seeing as spending time with my hubby is my absolute favorite thing in life, I was fine with!

He refused to tell me a single detail about the date and I really had NO idea what he was up to. Monday (our anniversary) rolled around and he told me that he was going to drive me to work. So I woke up that morning, got ready for work as usual and then hopped in the car with my hubby, which I really loved! Then the boy took me to Starbucks (does he know how to start my day off on the right foot or what?)
Jason then came back for me at the end of my work day and off we where...I had no idea. Jason brought me a snack for the ride because he knows I need to eat pretty much immediately after work, 
which was so thoughtful but made me all kinds of confused as to where we could possibly going (I had assumed it was out to eat). 

After about twenty minutes in the car he gave me a gift...
If you don't know this about me I am obsessed with animated Disney movies and Jason has been buying me all the new Blue-Ray editions as they come out. 

Finally, after almost 45 minutes in the car and me being SO confused as to what was going on...we pulled up to our destination: 
I have had the most insane sweet tooth during my pregnancy and literally cannot get enough the boy brought me to Minnesota's largest candy store! It was the most RANDOM place I've ever been to! It's not only a massive candy store but they carry random gifts and souvenirs, have a HUGE wall of different kinds of root beer and are also the largest puzzle store in the United States. 
The place was HUGE and we spent about an hour and a half walking through looking at all the random stuff. Jason let me get whatever I wanted, so we walked out with a 6-pack of random kinds of root beer, Australian licorice, a tin of Marshmallow Hot Chocolate, Minnesota-made pure honey, Razzlers (remember those?!), Candy Cigarettes (loved those when I was a kid), Boston Fruit slices, an Apple Crisp (not pictured) and a puzzle! 

After we made our way back to the city we stopped to get Chinese take out (my FAVORITE).

When we got home I was greeted with this fun surprise: 
Flowers, Pumpkin scented candles (YUM!), another little gift, the top tier of our wedding cake and a super sweet card:

The other gift was a new pair of Gopher sweatpants which I so desperately needed and wanted and they are THEEE most comfortable sweatpants ever.
What a difference a year makes, huh?!

The rest of the night we spent snuggled next to the fire, watching Cinderella, doing a puzzle, eating Chinese, candy and wedding cake and drinking root beer.
It was the perfect night. Jason really thought of ONLY me when planning this date which was SO sweet and made it SO special.

I am so happy that Jason and I were able to spend some quality time together doing what each of us loves before the baby arrives. As much as I want her here, I am glad that we got to spend our first anniversary just the two of us.


  1. Umm…you guys are so cute. Can’t even handle it.

  2. okay...your hubby is freaking adorable! I Love how he drove you to work and then thought of all these little things (food for you, going to that candy store). My heart is full reading this! I think it is so special to find couples celebrating in a way that is unique and THEM. I am so not into fancy dinners and would much rather spend time seeing my hubby happy (and I bet Jason LOVED your surprise at the game!). So glad baby girl cooperated :-). You will be planning a 1 year birthday party during your anniversary next year!

  3. Happy (late) anniversary!!! What a fun day yall had!! Love your blog! New follower :)

  4. Sooo cute! sounds like the perfect day. M knows too: Chinese food is the way to my heart. yummmmmmmz. happy anniversary!

  5. He is beyond sweet! Sounds like the perfect celebration - and I was so hoping baby girl would hold out so you could celebrate your anniversary as a couple!

  6. Aw what a fun time y'all had! I love both dates and I'm glad you enjoyed your first anniversary! :)

  7. Love that you both planned 'dates'! So sweet and super cute!!!

  8. Those are two of the sweetest dates ever! What a nice way to spend your last few days before baby girl arrives. And that candy store sound amazing!!!

  9. super cute date nights! i LOVE razzles!

  10. Cute. I'm so glad you guys just had the two of you for your first anniversary.

    Now, where pray tell is this candy store????


    Auntie L

  11. I love it! What sweet dates you BOTH planned :) I'm with you on I'd rather DO something fun together than spend $$ on a gift!

  12. Y'all are just too stinkin' sweet!

    I love that both of your gifts were outside the box and fun!

    happy anniversary again!



  13. Such creative date nights!! :) Love it! Good work Jason! I'm impressed!

  14. Oh my gosh. I started tearing up. So damn adorable. Wow. Love love. Xoxox

  15. Awww...yay! So glad y'all were able to have such a fun 1 year anniversary!

  16. What a sweet anniversary! Glad you got to fit it all in pre-baby arrival :)

  17. seriously could you guys get any more adorable! I love that you both suprised eachother with spending time together not material things.

  18. This was THE SWEETEST POST EVER!!! GO, Jason!! ;-D

  19. This seriously sounds like the best date ever! And Cinderella? Lucky!

  20. Happy belated anniversary! Sounds like a great time was had by both of you! Praying for you and baby

  21. ahhhhh what a good hubs!! thinking of you girl!


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