Friday, December 28, 2012

Our Holiday

It was another GREAT but exhausting Christmas for us...especially now that we have a little one. Kenley is obviously too little to understand what was going on but this year made me SO excited for next year when we can start playing Santa and start our own family traditions. 

Our Christmas weekend kicked off on Friday when the Beeb and her hubby Jake came over. Carolyn & I had our 2nd Annual Christmas Cookie Baking Party.
We did 4 all new recipes this year and all but one were a huge hit. 

Chocolaty Melting Snowmen
recipe HERE! 
these did not turn out nearly as cute as the photo showed and they didn't taste the best either. Needless to say they will not be on the list next year. 

Holiday Rolo Pretzel Delights
recipe HERE!
we replaced the pecan with red and green M&Ms to make them festive. They were salty and sweet and a huge hit!

Mint Chocolate Candy Cane Cookies
recipe HERE!
these were delicious! We made them a little too big and ended up having to put three kisses on each so that they wouldn't look ridiculous.

White Chocolate Cherry Shortcake Cookies
recipe HERE!
these were my FAVORITES! they were SO-STINKIN-GOOD! 

Sunday morning we went to church to have Kenley blessed. We are baptizing Kenley Lutheran but I am Greek Orthodox, so just like our wedding, I wanted to incorporate my religion. It is a Greek Orthodox tradition to bring a baby to church for the first time when they are 40 days old. Before church the priest did a special blessing and brought Kenley up to the alter. It was very special and meant a lot to me. 

Sunday after church we drove up to Jason's mom and step-dad's to celebrate Christmas with them and the next morning we were at my dad's for a Christmas Eve brunch.

I am embarrassed by the lack of photos I took during all of our Christmases, but after Christmas Eve at my dad's, Kenley had a little outfit change and we were off to Jason's aunt & uncle's to celebrate Christmas with his dad's side of the family. 

Christmas Day we went to J's dad & step-mom's for breakfast and then were at my mom's for dinner. And, of course, Kenley had a different Christmas Day outfit. 

Our Christmas was filled with delicious food, wonderful gifts and our amazing family! It's definitely tough having four Christmases but Jason and I work really hard to make sure we get to see everyone and it makes it really special for both of us to be able to spend time with all of our families. 

I hope you all had wonderful holidays with the ones you love as well! 



  1. i CANNOT HANDLE the cuteness of kenley!!! she has the cutest little lips and smile!! love that girl!

    sounds like your first family christmas was amazing!! and i love all the outfit changes :)


  2. Daddy and daughter napping is so cute! 4 Christmas gatherings is a lot but see family is important.

  3. you look great! And kenley is adorable I love her and Jason sleeping! So glad that you have a good christmas.

  4. Her outfits are flippin' adorable! She is so stinkin' cute!! Glad you guys had a great Christmas with all of your family.

  5. Love the outfit changes! I've been stocking up on holiday outfits for my little guy for next year. Haha hopefully they'll fit him and he's not a major chunker :) Glad you got to spend time with all your fam for the holidays! Sounds like a great time.

  6. Kenley is too dang cute :) I love the little outfit changes :) & I am glad you all enjoyed your time spend together :)

  7. OMG she is adorable!!! She's such a tiny little thing! Your cookies look amazing too!

  8. OH my goodness the cuteness...I can't take it! That picture of her smiling in her tiny leggings might just be the cutest thing ever. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas!

  9. So glad that you had a good christmas!! :) :) :)

  10. oh my gosh! kenley looked ADORABLE for all of her christmas appearances/celebrations. happy new year to you guys!

  11. little kenley is so stinking cute!!! i just want to hold and kiss her!


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