Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top Ten...of 2012.

2012 was quite the year! 
We were surprised with a little bundle of joy and had an incredible year awaiting the arrival of our daughter, going on trips and spending time with the people we love most.
But, for the sake of Top Ten Tuesday...here are my favorite memories from 2012!

Day with Billy & Jackie
We met Billy & Jackie on our honeymoon and the four of us bonded instantly. We love these two so much and had the best time with them when they came to visit us in Febrauary. (Fun Fact: I am brand newly preggers in this pic and OBVIOUSLY did not know it yet.)

Christina & Aaron's Wedding
I was so honored to be a bridesmaid one of my best friend's weddings in September. It was an incredible day for an incredible couple and I am so happy I was able to be a part of it all.
Read all about the wedding HERE!

Trip to Denver
Jason and I went to Denver in April to help my dad run a basketball tournament but I was able to stay a few extra days, meet up with my mom and spend time with my grandparents who live there. AND, have a little fun up in the mountains too.
Read about the whole trip HERE! 

Leadership Convention in Nashville
In June I was lucky enough to travel to Nashville for a Leadership Convention for my sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi. It was a great weekend spent with sorority sisters across the country but the best part was getting to know some of the amazing women who are currently in my chapter.
Read about my fabulous trip HERE! 

Gender Reveal Party
I was over-the-moon to find out our baby was a little girl, even though I always thought I wanted a boy first. It was nearly IMPOSSIBLE to keep this news secret for almost two weeks, but I am so glad we did because revealing our baby's gender to our family and friends in such a fun way was SO special.
See all the reveal photos HERE!

Baby Showers
 I was so lucky to have three amazing baby showers hosted by my best friends, mother-in-law, sister and mom. All three showers were so special and it meant so much to see how loved my little girl was before she was even born.
You can read all about the showers HERE, HERE and HERE.

Babymoon Weekend
The beginning of August, Jason and I dedicated a weekend to US to spend quality time together before the baby came. It was such a fun weekend and I will cherish that time with just my hubby forever.
Read all about it HERE! 

My Cousin's Wedding in Arkansas
Labor Day weekend I made my way to Arkansas for my cousin Stephanie's wedding. It had been years since I had seen Steph and it was SO special to be able to be there for her BIG day!
Read about the whole weekend HERE!

My brother's wedding. 
My brother's wedding weekend was such a blast. From the super fun groom's dinner to all the family we had in town to the gorgeous wedding, it was a wonderful and happy weekend.
Read all about the wedding HERE!

Kenley's Birth Day. 
It's still surreal to me that I gave birth and am a mom. November 15, 2012 is a day that I will never ever forget. The day that our daughter came into the world was definitely the best day of 2012.
Read Kenley's Birth Story HERE!

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
I hope your 2013 is as happy or happier than your 2012. 


  1. It really was an incredible year for you - and that last picture makes my heart melt! You're such a beautiful family!

    Cheers to 2013!!

  2. Such an amazing year! Love that last picture!

  3. what an awesome year for you guys!!

  4. Love this post!! :) 2012 was quite the year for you!!

  5. What a awesome year 2012 was for you and your family. I hope 2013 is just as special.

  6. you have had any amazing year! I love the last picture!

  7. What a fantastci year full of so much love and blessings! Here's hoping for all that and more (aside from the birthing) in 2013!


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