Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Rezzies

Before we get down to business and discuss my goals for 2013, let's look back to December and see how I did with my goals for the month. 

*Send out Christmas Cards!

*Get a haircut.
I didn't even think about considering making an appointment. Maybe this month I will make some progress on the hair front. 

*Make gallery wall over fireplace.
Nope...again, didn't even think about getting this done. 

*Celebrate my birthday! 
It was a great birthday! I was sick on my actual birthday, but the Friday after my birthday I was able to go out to dinner with my bestest friends which was SO fun! 

*Wrap Christmas gifts. 
This was no easy task with a newborn, but I was able to get all of our presents wrapped and even had a day to spare, nothing like cutting it close. 

*Go to yoga. 
I really, really need to get my booty into shape but December was not the month to start. 

*Finish the master bedroom.  
FAIL, again. 

*Have 2nd Annual Christmas dessert making party with my Beeb
We did it! And it was so much fun! 

*Start thinking of some New Years resolutions!
See below!  J

Last year, my only New Years Resolution was to set monthly goals and share them on the blog. I have LOVED doing that and it's really kept me accountable and helped me to achieve small little goals throughout the year. I am going to continue my monthly goals but also have some larger goals that I want to accomplish this year, which are...

*Lose all the baby weight + 8 more pounds. 
 I am hoping that I can get back to my pre-baby weight minus a few more pounds by the end of this year. 

*Run/Walk 400 miles
I cannot wait until it is nice enough to get out and walk the lakes with my baby and my puggle. I was so proud of myself for walking 269 miles during my pregnancy and I figure if I can go that far in 9 months while pregnant there is no reason I can't do 400 in a full year. Also, I set this goal for myself a couple of years ago and didn't reach it, so this is also a redemption goal. 

*Run three 5Ks
I am planning on running Goldy's 5K in April and The Color Run in July and I want to find one more fun one to do. Then, I just need to sign up for all of them and actually run them. 

*Makeover Wardrobe
My poor, poor wardrobe. For starters, I was pregnant for 9 of the 12 months last year so the clothes I did buy were pregnancy friendly and not necessarily the cutest. Also, all of the extra money I had went to baby stuff and finally, I really only shop for clothes when I have an event or something to go to and then I only buy a new shirt or dress. SO, I desperately need to invest in some cuter clothes. I want to slowly replace the old with the new and get myself in style. 

*Tighten Up Finances
All of last year, I used my super awesome budget spreadsheet to track our finances which was a HUGE help! This year I want to continue to use it but use last year's spending as a way to tighten up some of those categories and hopefully save some money (and have more extra money for that upgraded wardrobe J)

And finally, my goals for January...

*Walk/Run 25 miles
In order to hit my 400 mile goal for the year I need to do an average of 34 miles a month. Since it's much harder to clock miles in the winter, I'm going to try to do 25 during the cold months and make up the difference during the summer. 

*Go to at least one yoga class. 
If I'm going to be walking/running 25 miles, I need to be realistic in that I may not have time for too much more (still trying to figure out this whole working, being a mom and working out routine). SO, I'm going to attempt to also get to just one yoga class this month to start me off.

*Lose 6 pounds.
Random number, I know, but Jason and I are going to Colorado for Valentines Day and I'd like to lose 10 pounds by I need to ditch at least 6 of those 10 pounds this month. 

*Put SOMETHING into savings. 
I don't care if it's $1. I need to add to that savings account. 

What are your resolutions for 2013?


  1. Very good resolutions!! I will be posting mine tomorrow and I totally copied you with your pregnancy miles goal for my pregnancy! I am a HUGE goal person so the day I found out I was pregnant I started. Thanks for the GREAT idea!!!

  2. Budgets are always a great plan - my problem I can't find a chart or spreadsheet that works for us. Argh!!

  3. Love how you do year resolutions & monthly resolutions. I have my resolutions for the year scheduled to post to my blog tomorrow but will have to post my monthly goals as well!! & as for the clothes, I am in the same boat (with no baby to show!). I just went to Old Navy and that had lots of cute stuff for pretty cheap!

  4. This is a great list!! :) You can do it Beeb!!

  5. I love this, I may need to copy you. Also do you have a juicer? I found juicing for breakfast helped keep me full and gave me tons of energy for the day while helping me keep some weight off but you look fantastic to me. Happy New Years!

  6. You should come try Barre Yoga at the FIRM sometime. The Saturday 9:45 class is a serious ass-kicking sweat-fest! Plus you could watch me be terrible at yoga :)

  7. These are excellent goals!! Good Luck!

    Happy New Year!

  8. this is AWESOME girl! i know you can do all of WITH a baby! you are inspiring! :-)

    heres a fun 5k. Google the 5k Foam Fest. I know they goto different cities..HOLY AMAZING. It looks awesome!!!!


  9. i hear ya in putting EVEN JUST A DOLLAR into the savings! love the momma rezzies! ;) your christmas card is adorable!

  10. I'm not sure if you already have it posted somewhere, but would you mind sharing your spreadsheet? Not the details, of course. A template would be great though :)

  11. Love you blog!

    These are awesome resolutions :)

    Kenley is adorable <3

  12. Those are all great! Happy New Year!

  13. get it sister!! good luck

    best Christmas card! so cute!

  14. Those look like great goals, i know you'll rock em out!

  15. I'm with you on the money/weight thing!! Great goals and you can totally do it. :)

  16. We have a lot of the same goals! I have about 8 pounds of baby weight as well! Hoping it comes off soon:)

    LOVE the monthly goal idea... may try that too:)


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