Monday, February 25, 2013

Colorado Trip

Remember me?
I apologize for my absence, but I was busy getting ready for vacation and then busy recovering from vacation and frankly, was too darn lazy tired to compose a blog post.
But now I'm back and here to tell you all about our trip!
Get excited.

To start, the drive could not have gone any better. It was definitely long and it was definitely hard driving through the night (thank heavens for Jason because I could not keep my little peepers open past midnight) but we really got lucky. Our precious little peanut slept almost the entire way!
We hit the road at about 8pm and she slept until 4:30am! Then I changed her and fed her and she went right back to sleep until about 9:30am! Again, changed her and fed her and the she slept until we got to the hotel, which was around 11am.
never get sick of seeing the mountains.

Once we got all checked in, we were able to take a little nap to recover from the drive. Then we were up, showered and anxious to introduce Kenley to her great-grandparents.
They were completely in love with her, as I knew they would be, and this picture says it all. It brings happy tears to my eyes every time I look it.
We spent the rest of the day and evening with my grandparents just hanging out and catching up.
Then we got Chinese for dinner and watched our wedding video! My grandparents weren't able to come to Minnesota for the wedding, so being able to relive the day and watch the video with them was so special. I know they were there in spirit that day, but I hope the video made them feel like they were really a part of it. 

Thursday morning I woke up and got to snuggle with my Valentines...
...and then my mom came by the hotel and brought us Starbucks. God bless that woman! 
I was super pumped when I learned that our hotel had an indoor pool! It seemed like the perfect opportunity to take my little nugget swimming for the first time...gotta get her ready for summer pool days!
First of all, she looked ridiculously adorable in her swimsuit...I about lost it.
She did pretty good in the pool! The water was pretty chilly so we only "swam" for about 5 minutes. She loved kicking her little feet and liked when I pulled her through the water, she did not, however, like going under water. Not at all. 
It was so fun getting her in the pool and I CANNOT wait until it's warm and sunny and we can spend all day in the pool!

After the big swim we all got ready in our Valentines Day attire and headed over to my grandparents again.
We spent some time with my grandparents and then it was time for me and Jason to head out for our big Valentine's Day date!
We left Kenny in the care of my mom and took off for Boulder! We had dinner and drinks at the Lazy Dog on the Colorado University campus and watched the Gopher basketball game. Then, the bar put on the CO Avalanche hockey game and they were playing the MN Wild. People must have thought Jason and I were real idiots...we're on the CU campus cheering for Minnesota teams and wearing Arizona gear.

Then it was game time.
Sadly, Arizona played probably their worst game of the season and lost but the game was still a blast. The fans were so in to this game and the students were absolutely CRAZY! I had more fun watching the student section than I did the game. This was a huge game for them because we are a ranked team and beat them earlier in the the students rushed the floor. Which was really the nail in the coffin, but was cool to see.

 Friday, Kenley let us sleep in a little and then we picked up my mom and went shopping for a bit, but before we left we tried to get a cute photo of the 4 generations...but little Miss Kenley was not feeling it. 

Friday night we met up with my cousins at Pizza Republica, which was delicious! It was so fun spending time with them, catching up, reminiscing and introducing them to Kenley. 

Saturday we were able to go back to sleep (after feeding K) until 10:30! Which was complete and total bliss! Then we had to get up and pack and check out of the hotel. We spent the day with my grandparents and made tacos.  And no trip to Colorado is complete without a photo shoot by the Cherry Tree! 
Yes my mom and Kenley were matching...and no, they did not plan it. J

On our way out of town we made a stop to see Jason's step-sisters, which was wonderful. I wish we could have spent more time with them, but it was fun to see them for a bit and of course introduce Kenley to her Aunties.

I just can't get over how grateful I am for this trip. I am so grateful for my husband for planning it. Grateful that Kenley got to meet her great-grandparents. Grateful that my mom gave up her V-day with her hubby to come see us and take care of K. And most of all grateful for my amazing daughter who is such a joy, I love that I can bring her anywhere and know that she will do great.


  1. Looks and sounds like a GREAT trip! So glad the drive went well with the little one! The pictures of Kenley in her swimsuit are too cute for words!!!

  2. Oh my gosh that swim suit! How cute.

    Sounds like it was a wonderful trip!

  3. YAY! :) I'm dying over Kenley in that swimsuit. SO CUTE! And the picture of her and her great grandparents... SO SWEET! I am so glad you had a great trip! :) Good girl Kenley!

  4. Sounds like she did amazing! So glad you had such a great trip!!!

  5. I cannot get over how adorable she is. Those pool photos kill me. so sweet! Glad the drive went well! what a champ!

  6. So glad the trip went well and that she was a good little 'rider'. The pic of her with her great-grandparents is absolutely priceless. They look SO in love with her.

  7. The picture of her smiling in her swimsuit made me smile right away!! That is so awesome she is a good traveler!!!!!

  8. OMG Her outfit in the first pics make me SWOON she is so friggin cute!!!! And your hair looks amazing.

  9. She looked SOOOO stinkin' cute in her swimsuit! YAY! Glad you guys had a good trip!

  10. What a special thing you did for your grandparents. I miss all of you. m xo

  11. love that your trip was perfect! little kenley in that swimsuit is adorable! so so cute! welcome back!

  12. The picture of you kissing Kenley with her little hood up with SO precious! It's one of those pictures that she'll put in a wedding slideshow someday :)

  13. OMG your posts aren't showing up in my feed so I'm not seeing this until now! It looks like you had a great trip! I love her little swimsuit and her V-day outfit is too cute! She's growing fast!

  14. How sweet are your grandparents! That picture of them and your little miss brought tears to my eyes :) Your mom is GORGEOUS, I can see where you get it lady. So glad you had a good time!

  15. Looks like y'all had so much fun! Glad things went smoothly. Especially on the drive. The pictures of K in her swimsuit are just too cute :)

  16. she is the cutest thing I've ever seen. hands down! glad y'all had fun on your trip! you weren't that crazy after all! :)

  17. Aw I loved this post. What a fun trip y'all had. The picture with Kenley and your grandparents is so precious! Definitely frame that one! Also love the pic of you and Kenley with her in the robe. That is so beautiful!


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