Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Might Actually Be Crazy

It's quite possible that Jason and I have lost our damn minds. 
Tonight after work we will be driving (yes, driving!) 922.05 miles to Colorado....
through the night....
with a three-month-old-baby.

We're doing this for three reasons...

1. My grandparents live in Colorado. 
My grandma has Parkinson's Disease which makes them unable to travel. I knew I wanted to take a trip to Colorado sometime in Kenley's first year so that they could meet her...and this week/weekend ended up being the perfect time. 

2. My cousins live in Colorado. 
My cousins Ben & Sara, who I absolutely adore, live in CO and I don't get to see them very often with everyone's crazy busy lives. SO, going to visit grandma & grandpa also means going to visit Ben & Sara. 

3. Arizona is playing Colorado...in Colorado.
Remember THIS POST on our major love for the Arizona basketball team? Well it was exactly 4 years ago this Valentine's Day that I surprised Jason and took him to the Arizona game in Tucson. When we found out that Arizona was playing Colorado, IN Colorado, on Valentine's Day we knew we had to go!

This trip is going to be so special. Not only will Jason and I get an amazing V-day together but getting to introduce Kenley to her great-grandparents, my cousins, and spend some time with my mom (who is flying in from Arizona to meet us) is going to mean so much. PLUS, we get to show my grandparents our wedding video! They weren't able to travel to MN for my wedding, so to be able to relive the day with them is going to be really, really special. 

Anyways...that's all fine and dandy...what's not fine and dandy is this drive. Kenley is a great sleeper and loves to sleep in the car, so I'm hoping that by some miracle she sleeps most of the way.
But you just never know...
Plus there's the topic of feeding her, burping her, and changing her which all means stopping, which also means the 12 hour drive could easily turn in to a 15 or 16 hour drive. 
Do any of you mamas have any advice for road-trippin' with a baby?
I need all the help I can get. 


  1. You are a brave Momma! GOOD LUCK! Have fun with your relatives, I know they'll adore Kenley!

  2. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I had to comment on this one. Beautiful wedding, beautiful baby, plus I live in Colorado! Have a safe trip and welcome to Colorado!

  3. Good luck!! I will be very interested to hear how it goes! Fingers crossed everything goes really well and smooth for you guys! have a great vacation!

  4. Wait! Did you take you puppy?! ;-) Just joking!

    Enjoy your time with the family!


  5. goodluck!! She will do great! You can get nice and cozy in truck stops to nurse :-)

  6. happy & safe travels!
    i had to giggle at your post today b/c last april i wrote something VERY similar! [http://keepingupwiththesonneks.blogspot.com/2012/04/mia.html]

    we drove all the way to FLORIDA with Avrie and she was 9.5 months old.

    i will just pass along what my dr told me for traveling with an infant, you are on their schedule and when they are awake try to stop at least every three hours.

    we had a 21 hour drive ahead of us and we packed avrie up at night since she sleeps really well through the night. we were able to drive from 10pm - 6/7am non-stop. You guys will do great!

    here was my post with how our driving straight to FL with a baby went [http://keepingupwiththesonneks.blogspot.com/2012/06/roadtrip.html]

    sorry for the long post, but it was one of those 'ive been there too!' moments! ;)

  7. No advice as any travel with children is full of unexpected adventures. Safe travel is the most important the rest will follow. I still say Kens looks just like her mama...when see cries. xo m

  8. Safe driving and being aware of everything on the road. Being cautious of your surroundings on the road and it will be a breeze cause she won't being saying "Are we there yet?" You'll be fine, you're a team and God will watch over you. I love you all and you're in my prayers. AND relax, have fun and just know how special you are doing this for your grandparents....they will be so appreciated and proud... like I am!

  9. I don't know what happened - but your posts all went MIA from my google reader!! Hope your road trip went well - I saw she was quite the traveler on the way there, I really hope she was on the way back too! Traveling with little nuggets can definitely be overwhelming.
    Hope CO was good to you guys :)

  10. Omigosh!! Your trip sounds SO fantastic. I know ALLLLL about trips to visit family/friends/sports, that just feel PERFECT. Hope you're all having fun and that the traveling has gone well!!

  11. She is the cutest!! Good luck with your long journey... hope it all goes well!

  12. Aw I hope y'all had a fun trip and I hope Kenley was good for y'all! haha

  13. best of luck to you!! and K is such a little cutie, i love the pics you post on IG of her


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