Thursday, April 18, 2013

Five Hundo

Some time in the past few weeks this little 'ol blog reached 500 followers!
It means so much that so many of you give two shits about  what is going on in my life and it means even more that you devoted followers have put up with me going private, and then back to public and then private again and then back to public again. You rock my socks off!

Crazy to think when I started this blog 3 1/2 year ago I did it simply to keep family and friends up-to-date on the construction of our coffee shop, Coffee Buzz (may she rest in peace). I'm pretty sure my mom and Jason were the only two GFC followers. Now I have over 500 followers and have made real life friendships with amazing people I've "met" through blogging.

Since there's so many new faces, I thought I'd share some fun facts that you may not know about me!
* I love Golden Gopher Football
*I love tall boy Twisted Teas
*I have never been ice skating (despite living in Minnesota)
*I used to own a coffee shop
*When I was little I had a crush on Donatello (yes, the animated ninja turtle)
*I have 1 brother, 1 half-sister, 2 step-sisters, 3 sister-in-laws, 2 step-sister-in-laws, 2 brother-in-laws and 1 step-brother-in-law
*I'm terrified of birds
*I've seen the Backstreet Boys in concert 6 times
*I have know my husband for 28 years
*I despise tomatoes
*I'm super impatient
*Laughing until I cry is my favorite thing in life

What else do you guys want to know? 
Leave a comment with a question asking me anything and I will answer in a later post!


Now I want to get to know you! Along with your questions for me, answer these questions in your comment!

1. What is your favorite coffee shop beverage?
2. If you could send one celebrity to an island to never be seen or heard from again, who would it be?
3. What's one thing that it seems everyone has done, but you have never tried?

Thanks again you guys!


  1. I need to go back to the beginning and read your blog, sounds fun!

    1} Skim cold caramel machiatto
    2} LILO
    3}Sponsors on blogs

  2. Happy 500 followers!!!!

    I want to know when will you attend a MN Blogger get together ;)

    1. Hot cocoa. I HATE cofffee & anythign that remotely tastes like it!
    2. There are a few...Xtina & Kim Kardashian! So over them!!!
    3. Chuncky necklaces! I feel like they look stilly on me and will go out of style faster than they were in style so I refuse to spend money one them :) Am I frugal or what!!! haha

  3. Congratulations!! You have a great blog!

  4. OMG! Love this. HAHAHA! So proud that I knew all of this about you.

    Here are my answers:

    1. I'm a devoted Starbucks fan. I either get a iced venti non-fat caramel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle or a venti passion tea lemonade with two pumps of raspberry syrup instead of classic. Can you tell I was a barista? :)

    2. Taylor Swift.

    3. This is really hard. I can't think of anything. Maybe because I'll try pretty much everything once? Except skydiving and bungee jumping. That's not happening.

  5. I have never commented on your blog but recently came across it :) Crazy how this blog world works. My brother in laws sister has a blog...she's friends Desiree who has adorable Sofia. She follows you..and I found your blog! Your little girl is a DOLL! Any that I have made public my creeping... :)

    1. Our town's shop The Beanery's caramel latte!
    2. Kim Kardashian (love the rest of them, can't stand her)
    3. Finish college...HAHA! working on that!

  6. Love your blog and watching your little lady grow!!

    1) Hot chocolate! I do not like coffee even though I have tried it many times!!
    2) Any of the Kardashians! (seems like a theme on your page, they are so annoying to me!)
    3) Weed, haha!

  7. How many times have you seen Titanic??

    1. sugar free vanilla soy latte
    2. Kristin Stewart
    3. Pot(made it through the 70's)

  8. How could we not stick with you through all of that? I love reading your blog!

    1)Peppermint Mocha
    2)Lindsey Lohan
    3)Meeting other bloggers. I haven't found a ton of CO bloggers so it is kind of hard to meet any of them.

  9. Congrats Kristin!!
    1- decaf these days :(
    2- Snooki
    3- haha smoking... I haven't smoked a single thing in my entire life... and i have no desire ever to!

  10. 1. Starbucks green coffee refreshers (I'm more of a tea girl but these are delish and the perfect energizer when I have a huge grocery list (my fave grocery store has a starbucks!)).
    2. How about the entire Jersey Shore cast?
    3. Partying I've never been into it same goes for underage drinking

  11. I love following your blog, you're so relatable and I really look forward to reading it everyday. When you went private (or maybe I just lost track of you for a while) I was like "I wonder what Kristin's up to" haha!!

    1-Soy chai tea latte (not a huge coffee fan)
    3-I've never read or seen the movies for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games, etc. All of my friend are into them, but I never was.

  12. do I get an award for sticking around this long? KIDDING. I enjoy you sooo much! I'm impatient too...I bet we'd just be hilarious together. Or really scary. Congrats on 500 love!

  13. 1. iced coffee! yum! :)
    2. rosie o'donnell is obnoxious
    3. hmmm.... met any other blogger irl!

  14. Love this!
    1) Regular coffee with 2 pumps of vanilla, room for creamer add 3 splendas :D

    2) Kim Kardashian... or Kanye. Or both.

    3) The Harlem Shake! Never even seen it ;)

  15. if you could pick any sunny state to live in foreverrr, which would it be?

    1. What is my favorite coffee shop beverage? umm... an iced mocha, year round.

    2. If I could send one celebrity to an island to never be seen or heard from again, who would it be?

    3. What's one thing that it seems everyone has done, but you have never tried? snorkeling while on vaca

  16. I don't follow your blog in the regular sense of following through a certain reader (since I don't have a blog of my own). I do however, have a folder of my favorite blogs that I read and yours is one of my favorites so it's in that folder.

    I don't know if I've commented much but I really love your blog. I really enjoy reading your blog posts. By the way, you have a beautiful family.

    1. What is your favorite coffee shop beverage?
    Normally, it's a iced caramel macchiato(even in the winter) but I also love the pumpkin flavors that are offered in the fall.

    2. If you could send one celebrity to an island to never be seen or heard from again, who would it be?
    That's a tough one as I have a few celebrities that annoy me. I guess I would choose Kristen Stewart.

    3. What's one thing that it seems everyone has done, but you have never tried?
    Driving. I'm 26 and I don't have any desire to drive. I'm a very anxious person and the thought of driving causes me a ton of anxiety.

  17. I wanna know more about your coffee shop!!

    & if you could move anywhere in Minnesota, what city/area would it be?

    1. White chocolate mocha with a shot of mint, on the rocks or hot depending on the season!

    2. Lindsey Lohan

    3. I have not met another blogger!

  18. #1: nonfat caramel macchiato (iced or hot depending on the season)
    #2: take Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian far, far away
    #3: I've never tried a Twisted Tea!!! I intend to change that sometime soon though ;)


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