Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Baby Talk :: There's an APP for that

We live in a digital age where we have SO much information literally right at our finger tips. Sometimes having all this information can be overwhelming! In fact, I read an interesting article on BabyCenter about the best and worst things about being a mom in our time. Check it out HERE if you're interested. 

While I do think that SO much information and SO many opinions right in front of us all day every day can make things more difficult for us mamas, I do think that there are some definite advantages to having such advanced technology. One BIG advantage in my book is all the apps out there to help make mamas life a little more organized and a little easier. 

I have a whole folder of "baby" related apps that I've used since finding out I was pregnant and today I'm going to share with you my favorites. 

I signed up to get the weekly updates from BabyCenter and TheBump, but for me, there was no such thing as too much information. Sprout basically gives you week-by-week updates on your baby's growth and also has a "the doc says" section with information on different things that may be happening to you or the baby. Very similar to the updates from BabyCenter, but again, I couldn't get enough. My favorite thing about the app, however, is the realistic illustrations of the baby. I loved getting a realistic view of what my little nugget looked like swimming around in there. There's a lot of different week-by-week apps out there (and I downloaded a lot of them) but this one is definitely my favorite. 

If you're a type-A planner mama like myself, then you will love this app! I am a checklist fanatic so having a comprehensive checklist on my phone for all the baby stuff we needed to get was GREAT! They have a pre-set list for you but allow you to add additional items or remove the ones from their list that you don't want or need. I got such a sense of accomplishment each time I'd check things off and my "done" percentage would get higher and higher. 

A few weeks in to my second trimester, my doctor told me to start keeping track of the baby's movements. She told me to count how many times I would feel the baby move in one hour and to do that once a day...enter the Baby Kicks app! Once or twice a day I would pop open this app and simply give it a tap each time I'd feel Kenley move. Once it got up to 10 the timer would stop and would keep a list of each time I tracked. So simple but so helpful. 

Ahhh, the good old Labor & Contraction Timer. This bad boy was AWESOME. Once I started feeling contractions I used this guy to time them. I'd simply tap "Start" when I'd feel a contraction starting and hit "End" once it was over. Once they started getting more and more painful and closer together I handed my phone off to Jason and he kept track for me. It lists all of your contractions as well so you can see when they're coming every 5 minutes and lasting a minute for an hour....time to call the doctor! 

Finally, once Kenley was born I relied BIG TIME on this Baby Care Center app. I don't use it anymore but it was super helpful the first few weeks of Kenley's life. I was able to track when she was eating, how often she was wetting or soiling a diaper, how long she was sleeping AND most key which side she was nursing on. Let me tell you...when you are exhausted and feeding that bambino every couple of hours it is not easy to keep track of which side you nursed on last. I always have my phone with me so while Kenley was eating I would open this app and note which side she was on. It was also super helpful for her doctor's appointments, they always want to know how often the baby is eating and peeing and pooping and sleeping and instead of trying to keep the stats in my mom brain, I relied on this handy little app. 

Do you have any "must use" mama apps that you could recommend?

Don't forget to link up EVERY Tuesday!


  1. I'm such an idiot!! I switched over to bloglovin and HADN'T ADDED YOU! Fixed that problem and I'm BACK. :D

    Such great apps for baby!!

  2. I love the Sprout App- I need to download the rest you suggested! I have the baby center and what to expect pregnancy apps- they're good but I find myself wondering into the forums and then I start freaking myself out over all the stories I read!

  3. I'm downloading these all right now... and I'm a little annoyed that you haven't told me to do this yet!!

  4. OH MOTHER HOOD, eeeek!!!!

    Those look like fabulous tools!

  5. LOVE this post. Downloading all these now. Thank you!!

  6. Yep just downloaded a few of these now... thank you Mama with a wealth of knowledge!

  7. GREAT post!! Lots of fun apps :-D

  8. The most useful App to is has been Ambient Pro for bedtime! Harper sleeps much better with a little white noise!

  9. no baby in the oven yet, haha! but super helpful for when I do! I saved this post as a favorite! thanks!

  10. OF COURSE when i find this post and grab my phone to download them, it wont connect to iTunes or download a single one! lol how annoying.
    cant wait to use some of these for myself! thanks for sharing mama!

  11. For sure downloading these!!! Thank you!!

  12. I love the checklist! It is a wonderful idea & for me it would make things calmer...

  13. oh man i LOVE app sharing posts! i am such a tecky nerd and love having an all things baby folder on my phone too. i would have LOVED that contraction timer- cool!


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