Monday, April 29, 2013

Girls Weekend

Holy macaroni! This weekend was amazing! 
I'm excited to be linking up with Sami to recap it with all of you!
Jason left town on Thursday night to help my dad with his tournament in Denver
SO my weekend consisted of hangin' with my girls...
Yup, it was just me, Kenley, Bailey and my dad's dog Shiloh all weekend. 

I HATE when Jason leaves town because I do not handle staying home alone well. I absolutely love having "me" time and I won't lie, having the house to myself is nice now and then, but once the sun goes down my anxiety is through the roof. But, for some reason, this time I was fine! Maybe it was all the fun stuff I had planned. 

I figured if Jason is going to be gone, I am going to do all of my favorites things, SO...
....I ate take out Chinese. 
....I watched A LOT of Gossip Girl /  Keeping Up With the Kardashians
....I got an Oreo McFlurry from McD's
....I went shopping for our family photo shoot coming up at Carter's, Baby Gap, Old Navy and Target
....I bought baby gifts for some expecting friends
...I had chips & salsa for dinner 
....I brought Kenley and the dogs to the dog park 
....I painted my nails
....I bought all of the necessary items to start Kenley on solid foods next week! 
....I got new shoes and wore sandals for the FIRST time this year
....I drank my fair share of wine once Kenley was asleep
....of course I facetimed with Jason so he could see Kenny
I did a shit ton of laundry, went grocery shopping and got my oil changed. None of which are anywhere near my favorite things to do but I felt super productive and that is always a good thing!
PLUS, thanks to a little couponing, I saved $41.29 at Target!

Even though all of that was amazing, there were definite highlights to this weekend:

On Friday morning, Kenley and I took our first BYOB {bring your own baby} Yoga Class at Blooma. The class that we took focused on restorative movements for mom and baby. We started with some infant massage and then went into yoga poses for mom which focused on restoring the core and relieving back pain from carrying around that bambino. It was absolutely the best $22 I've ever spent. I loved it! And so did Kenley. I want to start going on a more regular basis.
Kenley was definitely the class clown, shrieking and screaming {with glee} from the top of her lungs. It was such a fun and special way to bond with my baby, get in a good work out {yes, I was totally sore the next day} AND connect with other mamas. PLUS, it doesn't hurt that there's a Starbucks two doors down so that Kenley and I can have a coffee date after class. 

On Saturday, my brother and I took Kenley down to campus for the Gopher football Spring Game. By now you all know what HUGE Gopher fans we are so I was beyond excited to bring Kenley to the stadium for the first time. We met up with our friends Pat & Nicci and their two daughters and had a great time. 
It was a BEAUTIFUL day {finally} and Kenley did great. It was really, really special to spend the day with my brother and my baby girl at one of my favorite places on Earth. 

Sunday, I FINALLY got to find out the gender of Baby Roe!!! I know it's hard to believe, but I DID NOT know the gender before the party. It nearly killed me and Carolyn but I am so happy that she kept the secret because finding out with her family and closest friends was so special. 
Kenley and I both guessed that Baby Roe was a boy, so we rocked our blue and Kenley appropriately matched the "Waddle it Be" theme with her blue duck jammies.
 I was absolutely thrilled to tears {literally, I actually cried} to find out that Jake & Carolyn are expecting a LITTLE BOY! I could not be more excited for them and I cannot wait to meet my little Beebo and start arranging his marriage to Kenley.

Our weekend didn't end there, my mom and step-dad came home from Arizona on Sunday and are here to stay through the fall! I am SO happy to have my mom home, I can't even tell you! So clearly, I had to meet them for dinner! We went to Redstone and it was so wonderful. 
Seriously, so so so so so happy to have them home! Damn you snow birds. 

And now it's Monday, but I'm not too mad because my hubby gets home this afternoon. 
I cannot wait to see him!

I hope you all had wonderful weekends as well! 


  1. Kenley is just the cutest!! And yay for sandal weather! I love saying money at Target by the way, makes my week!

  2. aww your daughter looks adorable trying to do yoga!

  3. You and Carolyn are so cute!!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend! So excited for Carolyn! & my grandparents are on their way home from AZ and should be home this weekend too!

  5. What a great weekend with the baby! Congrats to Carolyn!

  6. Hahaha...byob yoga...that's awesome and it looks like Kenley really got the hang of it! :)

    You definitely lived up to your "busy bee" blog name this weekend, looks like a great one!

  7. Kenley doing yoga with you is SO cute! I need to try that asap. And yay for a future boyfriend for Kenley!!!!

  8. You had such a productive weekend!! Kenley is too cute! Bring your baby to yoga sounds like so much fun- I need to see if they have that around here once my babe arrives.

  9. What a fun weekend! :) I LOVE the pic of Kenley at yoga. LOVE. That child is so dang cute. :)

    I had SO MUCH FUN with you on Sunday! Thank you so much for coming! And for spoiling Beebo! Even though you weren't supposed to! HAHA

  10. You do more fun stuff in one weekend than I do in like... a month! Haha! I love the idea of the momma/baby yoga.. how fun! I'm glad it went so well for both of you gals!! AND LOVE Kenley in her football gear! Such a cute family :)

  11. Awwww looks like such a fun weekend! Girl time is so awesome!

    The yoga class sounds amazing!

    When i saw baby roe was a boy I 100% thought 'welp kenley's betrothed now'! ;)!


  12. Looks like it was an awesome weekend! I totally understand the anxiety when home alone and it's dark. I love the house to myself and playing my music and doing my own thing but when it's dark- I hate it!

    Definitely want to try Blooma when Baby H gets here!

  13. I love the picture of you and Beeb and you look really good in that blue! Kenley is adorable and the thought of yoga with little babies absolutely melts my heart.

  14. I hate if Jon is ever gone on the weekends but I guess when baby comes I will have guys weekend with Ernie and baby LOL! I saw your pic on IG of baby yoga... TOO CUTE!

  15. Ahhh so sorry it's taken me forever to catch up with your blog! So behind!

    Sounds like you had a nice weekend alone with Kenley and the doggies :) Everything thing you did looked so nice! haha

    How fun your friend is expecting a baby boy! So so exciting!

    p.s. I can't believe how big Kenley is getting! She's beyond adorable!!!

  16. ugh can't even HANDLE kenleys cuteness!!!!!

    when hubbys away, wifey will play! looks like you had a fun lil girls weekend :D class clown kenley in it...that pic of her smiling is so heart melting!!!

    I CANT BEELLIIEVE u didn't know the gender!! thats some good secret keeping!! i can't believe its a boy HOW EXCIIIITING!!!! kenleys lil bff boyfriend is almost here!

    i love this so much and that shower! amaze!!!!!

    miss u g-frand!!!

  17. you girls has a GREAT weekend!! so much fun packed into three days!


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