Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Mistletoe? NO.
Stockings? NO. 
Fat man in a velvet suit? POSSIBLY. 
Drunk relatives? DEFINITELY YES. 

Today my friends is my favorite holiday. TODAY is the start of COLLEGE FOOTBALL! 
Can I get a "woot! whoot!"?
I am breaking free at noon today to meet my family and friends down at Lot 37 to tailgate, have a drink (or 80) and cheer on my beloved Gophers to a 1-0 start to the season.

If you're wondering whether or not our tailgate has a Facebook group....
it does.

And if you're wondering whether or not I changed my cover photo to this last week....
I did.


I hope everyone has a wonderfully long and safe Labor Day weekend!


  1. Hmm... I'm getting a hint that you like college football? A smidge? ;)

  2. BAHAHAHAHA! I love this. :) Have so much fun today! I wish it wasn't so dang humid so we could come! Stupid Mother Nature! Drink some for me!

  3. you are freakin cute it's unreal! The picture of you sitting in the parking lot drinking from a bottle ,love it! Have so much fun! P.s. I like your hair in your engagment picture. It's long but you can really see layers.

  4. i wish i went to a college with a big football team

  5. We are the same person. Different team (TCU Frogs!)... but the love of this season is the same. My excitement was through the roof last weekend!


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