Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Baby Talk :: The Style File

Does anyone else feel like they need a few more days off to recover from the long weekend? I sure do! Lucky for me the one thing that is sure to put me in a good mood is looking at and shopping for baby clothes! 

Today is not only my weekly Baby Talk link up {mamas and mamas-to-be join me every Tuesday!} but I am also joining one of my favorite mom bloggers, Julie, and her mom blogger friends for their Kid Tested, Mom Approved Link Up Party! 

Today's topic of interest is BABY CLOTHES! 

I don't know why people go so bananas over baby clothes but I am definitely guilty as charged. Dressing Kenley is so fun and I've loved giving her her own little style over the past 9 months.
Now that it's officially fall and Kenley seems to grow every day, we need to update her wardrobe with some warmer fall and winter clothes. My absolute favorite baby store is Baby Gap and today you get to feast your eyes on some of my fall favorites for Kenley. 
Kenley's Fall Fashion

Link up every Tuesday!


  1. Our fall faves are TOTALLY the same! I love it!

  2. Love the clothes! She is such a cutie! Just became your newest follower and can't wait to join next week! I just announced on my blog today!

  3. Kenley always looks so cute! You are totally making me want a little girl to play dress up with! Thanks for linking up with us today!

  4. So stinkin' cute!! I can't even wait to dress up my baby girl. The options are endless!!

  5. Baby Gap is definitely the best baby store. ever. H&M has some cute stuff too. Love all of your picks!

  6. The leopard loafers are too cute ! they are like baby version of the "smoking slippers"! LOVE!

  7. Whenever I shop for my son at baby gap I always always have to check out the girls stuff too! It's so cute and I love the sweet little feminine details! Thanks for linking up with us today !

  8. I am so impressed with her as a stylin' newborn. I was too scared to break her to do anything other than a onesie and some pants, haha.

    I would love to get Rory a pair of pink chucks but I tend to stick with the basics for shoes so she can wear them with lots of things. She has a black pair. Oh well, they can be passed down if we happen to have a boy down the road!

  9. Your little girl is precious! We have a lot of the same pieces for our fall wardrobe. The accessories you paired with them are great. Love the looks.

  10. Love all the outfits you chose! As much fun as dressing my little guy is I have to admit that girls clothes are sooo cute.

  11. oh my gosh, i LOVE that boo dress!

    i am also guilty as charged for flipping out over baby clothes! how can one NOT!? ;)


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