Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Kenley :: 10 months!

Happy Tuesday mamas....it's time for another edition of BABY TALK!

Here's the rules:
{1} Write a post on ANYTHING baby related...pregnancy, parenting, products, stories, advice, you name it!
{2} Grab this button and put it somewhere, anywhere in your post!
Grab button for Busy Bee
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{3} Publish your post on Tuesday!
{4} Come back and enter your post in the super neat link-up tool found at the bottom of every Baby Talk post.
{5} Check back and read the other blogs who have linked up!

Easy as pie!

I am like 2.5 weeks late on this {as usual} but nonetheless here's what Kenley was up to month 10.
Baby Stats: 
Weight: 21 pounds
Sleep: Bedtime is between 7:30 and 8:30, wakes up around 6:30am and takes 2-3 naps during the day {a long one in the morning and two shorter ones in the afternoon}
Feeding: still getting six 5oz "ba ba's" a day with three solid food meals {breakfast, lunch and dinner}
Diaper Size: 2
Clothes Size: Wearing 9 month clothes right now and FINALLY fitting into her size 3 shoes.
Hair Color:  Blondie
Eye Color: Hazel in the middles and blue/gray on the outsides.
Milestones: Standing without holding anything, sticking out tounge, first plane ride, first hair cut!
Nicknames: Kenny, Mou, KenKen, Kenny Pops, Kenners, Kennels, Scoop
she's so dang cute when she cries. 

My Kenley, 

Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any more fun, you are. You are the happiest little kid and we all have so much fun watching you discover all the new things around you. You still love to watch Mickey's Clubhouse and you scream {literally scream} with delight when you see him come on the screen. Your favorite thing to do is to chase Bailey, you think chasing after her is the funniest thing of all time. You are fascinated by lights - you love to find them, point to them and listen to mom count them. You also love to be outside. When the wind blows you squeal and you think touching leaves and pulling grass is pretty darn cool. 
You rode on your first airplane this month and did a great job! You are such an easy baby and I love that I can take you absolutely anywhere. 
You also got your first hair cut this month. You didn't really need it but we got to see your hair stylist Great Aunt Tina and since she gave me my first haircut I wanted her to give you yours as well. 
You are a smart little thing and I love that you are really starting to understand what we are saying. You know the word "no" and will even shake your head when we say it. You have learned to "give to mama" and will hand over whatever you are holding on to. You know the names of some of your favorite toys and will go get them when we ask you to. You will point to the lights when we say "where's the light" as well as point to daddy, mama, and Bailey. You also learned how to give kisses on demand but are pretty choosy about who and when you give them out. And even though your mom and dad don't have a musical bone in their bodies you LOVE to play the piano at Grandpa Tom & Grandma D's house. 
You really are just the best little thing ever and your mama and daddy love everything about you. We are so proud to be your parents and have so much fun watching your personality blossom. 

Love you the most, 


  1. She's such a cutie patootie! And I think Abbie has some of the same outfits...haha.

  2. What a cutie little girl! 10 months was definitely a fun age and we actually flew the first time with our guy around that time too! I was so anxious, but so happy he did well. Good to hear yours did too!

    have a great day!

  3. Gosh she is so stinkin' cute! I love that she shakes her head when you say 'no'- just adorable! It's so cute! You've got a little cutie on your hands- what a joy she is!

  4. She is precious! I love her name, too! I was going to name my little one Kinley, if he had been a girl! :)

  5. So so soooo adorable! What a fun age! :)

  6. So stinking cute! love the pictures!

  7. how sweet...it just seems like so much fun to be parents. I see how much you both love her and how much she loves you..I just can't wait!

  8. Love her little teeth poking out :) so precious !! almost the big o-n-e year !!!

  9. I'm currently obsessing over crying pictures and that one of Kenny is so freaking adorable... and funny! Oh man, these babies sure do grab ahold of your heart, don't they? Super impressed that she's still in size 2 diapers! Trace is only 3 months old and he's well into size 1 :)

  10. Kenley & Aubrey would get along great- the both love lights and mickeys clubhouse! I love her little pony tail! Can't wait for Aubs to have enough hair for styling and clips!

  11. Hey, day late with my comment but you know my circumstances. Kenley is just adorable, and I am really loving the high pony tail look (you know why)! But Kenley will also know she has the best parents any little girl could have! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

  12. It boggles my mind that Kenley is 10 months old! I remember visiting you guys in the hospital! CRAZY! Watching her grow up makes me SO EXCITED for Weston to grow. :)

  13. K is so adorable. I just love her!

  14. I need to remember to LINK UP with you next Tuesday - I keep meaning too, and keep forgetting!! EEK!

    She is seriously so adorable - I love her. :)

  15. oh my gosh! i die over her cuteness! that pony standing straight up on top of her head! hehe


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