Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Baby Talk

Happy Tuesday mamas....it's time for another edition of BABY TALK!

Here's the rules:
{1} Write a post on ANYTHING baby related...pregnancy, parenting, products, stories, advice, you name it!
{2} Grab this button and put it somewhere, anywhere in your post!
Grab button for Busy Bee
<div class="BUSY-BEE-button" style="width: 250px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://fawver.blogspot.com"> <img src="http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r529/knfawver/baby-talk-button_zps829f6bd6.jpg" alt="BUSY BEE" width="250" height="250" /> </a> </div>
{3} Publish your post on Tuesday!
{4} Come back and enter your post in the super neat link-up tool found at the bottom of every Baby Talk post.
{5} Check back and read the other blogs who have linked up!

Easy as pie!


Good morning friends! I'm here today to apologize for being the world's worst blogger. I am so behind on reading your posts and am clearly doing just a terrible job at writing my own. I promise it's for good reason -NO, I am not pregnant. I am in the process of making some changes to this little old blog that I am SUPER DUPER excited about and CANNOT wait to share.

Until I can, please keep linking up! I LOVE reading all of your mama posts!


  1. So excited to hear what you have in store! I completely understand- I'm behind on blogging too and no, I'm not preggo either! Just busy with moving and getting out house together. Changes are coming my way after the move though too:)

  2. I love this link up! It's my first time. Excited to see/hear about your changes.

    Jill youmeandcapri.com

  3. WOOO i cant wait to see what youve been up to!! :D


  4. I love baby related posts! It seems like now that I'm shifting into motherhood I need to find more "mommy blogs" to follow.



  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one going slow on posting! Thanks for the link up - I will definitely be back next week too! :)

  6. Ha! I was totally starting to think you were pregnant again :) Looking forward to seeing what you've done with the blog!

  7. no no no... I AM the worlds worst blogger. i am just finding it hard to get time these days, but doing a little reading catch up this afternoon (nap time, power thru!!) ;)


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