Wednesday, November 6, 2013

An Announcement & Some Changes

I know what you are all thinking....and NO I am not pregnant! I am still perfectly content with and challenged by this one little lovebug. 

I've been at a crossroads for a while now when it comes to this blog. 
speaking of whichever sorority sister stole my copy of Crossroads sophomore year - I WANT IT BACK! I love that movie. 

Anyways, maybe you have noticed that my posting has been pretty sporadic lately. Usually when a blogger goes MIA it means she's pregnant, which once again, I AM NOT.

When I started this little blog I wasn't even really sure what a blog was. I started by posting updates and pictures of the construction of the coffee shop we were opening so that family and friends both near and far could keep up to date with this exciting time in our life. I didn't care about followers because all I wanted was for people I knew to follow along with the opening of our business. 

As time went on I started writing about more personal things. Personal as in what was going on with me and Jason. We were still boyfriend and girlfriend, we had recently moved in together and had a new puggle puppy. I started sprinkling in stories of our social life along with our business life and my family and friends loved being able to keep up with us in this way. 

And then the strangest thing happened, strangers started following my blog. And leaving me comments. I started exchanging e-mails with these people and started to read their blogs too. It wasn't long before I learned that blogging wasn't just a hobby it was an entire community full of talented and creative people. My blog went from a journal to a passion in a hurry. 

Then I got engaged and got to share wedding planning and my wedding day with my new blog friends. Then I got pregnant and got to share that experience as well. And now we're here. I'm a mom. I blog about being a mom and I read blogs about being a mom. 

If you've been following for a while you know that I did a stint as a private blog {twice}. I also changed my URL and shared the new one with only the people I thought I wanted to read my blog. Turns out, blogging without the followers & comments isn't as fun. I've always said this blog was for me and the purpose was to document my life - for me. But any blogger who says they don't care about followers & comments is lying. Please don't take this as a plea for comments or a request for followers - that's not the point. The point is that whether I like to admit it or not, getting comments and readers is what fuels my creativity and my motivation.

But lately the fact that I have no idea who is reading my blog kind of freaks me out. I don't know what is creepier, not knowing what strangers are reading about my life or what people I know in real life that are reading {shout out to any ex-boyfriends or ex-friends that are reading this right now! stalkers.}

Anyways, I had a lot of internal debates on whether to stop blogging, go private, change the purpose of my blog, etc. At the end of the day - I really love blogging. I love all aspects of it. It's my creative outlet. It's a great way to document and remember this fun time in my life. AND, it's been a great way to connect with some really incredible people both like myself and different. It's just not something I am willing to give up. BUT, I do worry about weirdos reading about my life and my daughter. No I don't share my address or phone number but I do share pictures and stories and personal details about our life. 

Sorry, I'm starting to ramble. 

My announcement is that as of Monday, I will be re-launching this blog as a NEW BLOG! I have been working hard on this and am so excited to share it all with you. It's called "mama & mou" and will be focused on pregnancy, childbirth, babies & motherhood. You may have even noticed the fancy new URL! I'll be continuing to share my personal stories as well as collecting the stories of other blog mamas (and non-blog mamas too). I'm hoping it will be a really fun way for mamas to share and gain information as well as still allow me to share some aspects of my life. For those of you Baby Talk linkers - the link up will be continuing on mama & mou, so make sure to link up every Tuesday! 

Starting today through Sunday I will be updating and editing the content and design of my blog - so I apologize in advance for any craziness that occurs.

I'm really excited to see where this new blog goes and I'm even more excited to have some help from my pals. Blogging often takes a backseat in this busy little life, so I'm thrilled that so many wonderful mamas have already volunteered to contribute posts which will help me post more often.

I'm really excited about this and hope you will all continue to follow along!

See ya MONDAY!!!! 

So excited! 



  1. Great! For a second I was getting worried you were going away! I recently had a little one so I love going back and reading updates about Kenley in the early months of her's just comforting to read about the experiences that other moms have had...makes me feel less alone in this new journey

  2. I'm not a momma, but I still plan on sticking around, hope that's okay :)

  3. YAY!!!! And yes I at first was like omg..pregnant?! :)

    this is great Kristin and I am happy to hear you are not going awway!!


  4. I'm so excited for your new venture, Mama - Love that you went with that name and I'll help you any way I can! <3

  5. I'm so excited for you! :) WHOOP!

  6. Very excited to get a fresh new blog ! If you ever want guest bloggers, hit me up :) for all things maternity fashion, gift guides, giveaways, etc !

  7. I'm super, super excited for you. I can't wait to see your "new" blog. :D

  8. You know I'll still be here stalking away!! :) Love the new name!

  9. I'll read even though my only baby poops in a box and eats what can only be described as cardboard. :)

    p.s. excited about these rumors of a holiday get together to FINALLY meet you!

  10. So exciting! I often think about the creep factor as well. I debated all throughout my pregnancy if I would even post a photo of Aubrey on my blog and finally decided to. I'm rethinking all of that now though... not sure what to do.

  11. PHEW! I was worried you were leaving us and that is a big no no!

    Exciting news, I'll be following no matter what ;)!

  12. I am so excited for your readers and for you!! xo m

  13. I still owe you an e-mail with all of my baby stuff. I'll work on it soon! So excited for you!!

  14. Hi Kristen-- I nominated you for the sunshine award. Check out for the details. =)

  15. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE CROSSROADS. I own it and if I had two copies I would mail you one! :) Oh, and I fell you 100% on feeling awkward about your blog. I do as well. But toss it to a big so what because others, like you acknowledged, LOVE it!

  16. i will still be here, you are one of my FAV momma bloggers! :)

  17. Congrats on your new blog ventures. Super cute name. I've been blogging on and off since the 90s. Ok, like super late 1999, but hey, it was the 90s. It's hard habit to break. Being able to blog through most of my adult life has been so fun and so cathartic.

  18. I like the site! I am going through the same process. I started blogging and within a few months I started getting products and invited to events. It started to lose the goal of the blog. So, I am working on putting it back together. It is a ton of work. I think you did great on this site! Can't wait to get to know you better new friend xoxo

  19. You're amazing!! I love this idea!! So excited to keep following along :) You're such an inspiration to the rest of us momma's!!

  20. CONGRATS on your new blog! Love the name! :)


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