Monday, November 11, 2013

mama and mou

Hello everybody! Welcome to mama and mou!


I am so excited about this new blogging adventure and can't believe that after months of planning and organizing this little baby is finally LIVE! Wahoo! 

Here's a little bit about me & the concept of this blog to get the ball rolling...

After 5 years of writing my personal blog, I decided it was time to focus on writing about what I loved most and am most passionate about; mucus plugs, spit up and potty training...what I mean is...the beautiful journey to and through motherhood. Though, I really do have an odd fascination with mucus plugs {just ask Carolyn}.

My journey to motherhood started a little differently than I had ever expected. After being diagnosed with endometriosis in high school, I wasn't sure whether or not I would be able to conceive. My doctor was always reassuring but was honest when she told me I'd never know until I tried. Imagine my surprise when on March 2, 2012 I got a positive pregnancy test after not trying at all - as in - complete and total surprise! That positive test, my pregnancy and the birth of my baby girl have forever changed me and have inspired this blog.

From the second I saw those two pink lines, I have been fascinated by all things baby and have found myself craving all the information I can get my hands on. My favorite place to turn has been to other mom bloggers who have been in my shoes and are willing to share their stories and tell the truth - the good, the bad and the ugly {ahem...mucus plugs}. And, so, this lil blog was born. I wanted to create a fun place where moms could come and share their stories and advice and also read the experiences of other mamas. 

Behind the name: I am of Greek heritage and growing up I always thought the Greek word for baby was "kouklamou" because that is what I heard my mom, grandma and miscellaneous Greek women {and there were a lot of them} call babies. Turns out "koukla mou" translates to "my doll". "Mou" in Greek means "MY". When my daughter was born my family would use phrases like "koukla mou", "moro mou" {my baby}, "kori mou" {my daughter}, and "Kenley mou" {my Kenley}. Eventually my Kenley was just referred to as "Mou" and it's stuck. We realize how silly it is that her nickname is "MY" but on her it totally works. And so, I have named this blog for me and my baby as well as all the mama's and their "my's" out there.

Thanks to some really fun, smart, creative and sweet mama friends, I have a whole load of great posts ready to share as well as some already archived. So sit back, relax, and start navigating through the site. A big thank you goes out to Whitney from Heart & Arrow for her hard work on the design of this blog!

If you are interested in submitting a post, please check out the
"Submit a Post" page or contact me at


  1. What a sweet meaning behind the name! Can't wait to read more :D

  2. Looks good Kristin!!!! Congrats on the new blog!!!! So excited for posts to come!!!

  3. Love love love! So excited for you Beeb!

  4. Love the new blog design. Looking forward to following along!

  5. I love this concept, Kristen!! The blog looks great so far and I cannot wait to read {and share} more.

  6. IT-LOOKS-SO-AMAZING!! All your hard work so far is paying off! <3

  7. Love it all, girl! Your new design looks awesome- and I'm loving the colors you chose!! Gorgeous! :)

  8. I love it Kristin! Such a cute idea and I can't wait to stalk all of the adorable pictures of your baby girl :)

  9. I love it Kristin! Such a cute idea and I can't wait to stalk all of the adorable pictures of your baby girl :)

  10. I love it Kristin! Such a cute idea and I can't wait to stalk all of the adorable pictures of your baby girl :)

  11. Love love love this so much!!! The March of 1012 was also when I found out I was pregnant with my baby girl!! How awesome is that? :)

  12. obsessed with the new design! love it and can't wait to see what you will be posting!

  13. Beautiful job Kristin Mou!! xo m

  14. Love the new design! And the name! Can't wait to read more posts!

  15. woowhooo!!!!!! the page looks great. i am so excited that this is going to be happening! way to go girl :) and hahahaha YES to the MP obsession. you are not alone!

  16. Congrats on the new blog, love the look!

  17. I absolutely love the new look!! Great job Kristin, I'll be submitting soon :)

  18. Ok ok I get it now!!! Love it all :) xoxox

  19. This is such a wonderful idea! I'm not even sure when/if we will start a family, but I am fascinated with learning about all things pregnancy and child-rearing, so I am all for the direction you are headed. Good luck!


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