Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Career Change

I have been a total spaz lately. I knew this fall was going to be busy, but I didn't prepare for a career change in the middle of it. I have been hardcore slacking in the blog department as a result and I apologize. I'm hoping now that I'm a little more settled in to the new gig, I'll better be able to manage my time and actually blog! 

About the job....I still haven't told you all about it. As you all know, we closed Coffee Buzz. It was the hardest day and a week full of emotions. Initially, our plan was to close the end of September so that J and I had time to find new jobs. Well, my darling fiance went and got a new job in LESS THAN A WEEK! 

Yup, this boy
went ahead and got a job leaving me in the dust! I could not be more proud of him! J got a job working as a merchandiser for a beer and wine distributor. Well, actually they distribute liquor too but he is working on the wine side. He is absolutely LOVING it so far and the amount of free wine we get is kind of disgusting. 
Seriously, major-perk! 

As for me, one of our favorite Coffee Buzz customers who we got to be friends with actually offered me a job when he found out the Buzz was closing. I was a little apprehensive at first, but after sitting down and really talking to him about the opportunity I thought it sounded like an offer I couldn't refuse. So, I am now working for Bryant Graphics, a printing company, in sales. Anything you can print on paper, we do...marketing pieces, property brochures, business cards, etc etc etc. I had no clue how much goes in to printing and I actually find it fascinating. Plus, I think I could really get used to sales. Not spending my entire day in an office, schmoozing clients with lunches and happy hours and commission bonuses! Plus, my boss is the bomb! While I still have a lot to learn, I am really liking it so far AND I already have my first client and first order! Whoop! Plus, when I do need to hang in the office, I have a comfy little desk to call my own.


  1. Congrats to you both on your jobs!!

  2. Woohoo! I'm glad you two were able to find new jobs so quickly! Your mister and I now have a lot in common - tell him I said welcome to the spirits industry, it's never a dull moment!! Hahah!

  3. yay! congratulations to you both :)

  4. I need to hear more about his wine distribution job! I need to get free bottles of wine so could I take this up as a part time side job thingy? Sounds amaze!!

    CONGRATS to you both :)

  5. Very proud of both of you! Love you both!

  6. Congratulations!!!! And thanks for finally changing your comment set up so I can comment on your blogs again. I was having withdrawals! I have never been in sales, but with your background at coffee buzz, and your stunning good looks, I am sure you will be AWESOME!!

  7. Whoo Hoo to you two! :) Now where's my free wine? HAHA

  8. Congrats to both of you..real go-getters because that was fast!!! :) Good luck, sounds like you are really loving it so far!

  9. free wine sounds like my kind of job! :) congrats to you both!

  10. awesome! best of luck to you both on your new jobs!

  11. sounds awesome! congrats!! It's amazing you were both able to find jobs so quickly in this current economy, you are both very lucky that you did and even more importantly that you're liking it so far!

  12. Oh my goodness, how did I miss that post about your business being closed! :( I'm sorry to hear that!

    I'm happy you both found jobs SO quickly and all is well! A new challenge and change is always good!


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