Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Belly {36 weeks}

Thank you to everyone for your sweet texts and e-mails about Monday's doctor's were all right...there was no need to worry, everything went great! My iron levels are back up to normal thanks to the supplements and Nugget looked great on the ultrasound. The blood flow from the umbilical cord to the baby is perfect, there is the right amount of amniotic fluid, the placenta looks good and aside from being a little on the skinny side (and not cooperating for a good photo) Nugget is doing great. 
Can you tell I'm starting to get really tired?

Nugget this week...
*is practicing swallowing and breathing
*may be able to breath without any extra help if she were born now
*is shedding the lanugo hair that's been keeping her warm

Size of the baby?  
Her length is anybody's guess but as of our ultrasound on Monday baby girl is weighing in at 5 pounds 9 ounces, which puts her in the 47th percentile. As my doctor said, "she is tall and skinny."

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
28 pounds.

Maternity Clothes?  
just my one pair of jeans.

Stretch marks?  
Still going strong with NO stretchmarks!

Best Moments? 
This week has been mom & step-sister hosted a baby shower on Sunday, I had my ultrasound and got to see my healthy baby girl on Monday, my sister-in-law keeps sending adorable and wonderful gifts from Florida and last night my mother-in-law and sister-in-law hosted a baby shower (more on that tomorrow)!

I'm still getting kicked in the side and booty popped in the ribs quite frequently.

Food Cravings?  
I was DYING for a cheeseburger Monday night, which was super strange after not eating meat for almost 8 months. I got a cheeseburger and it was AMAZING, I devoured it! Now, a cheeseburger sounds absolutely disgusting. SO weird.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 

What I miss?  
Being able to shave my legs without sitting on the floor of the shower.

I've been a little nauseous the past couple days, but no vomiting.

Typical end of pregnancy stuff....nesting, sore back, big belly.

Labor signs?  
Also as of Monday, I am 1/2 a centimeter dilated  which essentially means nothing except that I am closer to labor than not, which we already knew. :)


Belly Button In or Out?
Still a halfie, but I can make it pop all the way out, which is my new party trick.

Wedding rings On or Off?  
These suckers are still on!

Comfort is becoming more and more of an issue which is making sleep tough. I think it's time I just get used to being tired.

What I'm looking forward to? 
Finishing the nursery this weekend!!!

And just for funsies, let's take a look back at 20 weeks ago and 10 weeks ago!


  1. It boggles my mind that you're 36 weeks along. BOGGLES MY MIND. For two reasons.

    #1 - I almost get to meet your baby girl! I CAN'T WAIT!!

    #2 - You are TEENY for being so far along. And I mean that in the best way possible! Hottie preggo alert! :)


  2. You are totally adorable!! And I agree...your belly is so small for being so far! Jealous!! That means less to lose after! Haha!

    I can't believe you're so close!!!! Ahhhh!!

  3. You look great for being so close to your due date! Only a few more weeks :)

  4. You look so fantastic! 100%!

    That party trick sounds too funny, make a video about it ;)!


  5. Man you look gooood!!! So sorry you're tired! Sounds like Nugget is wearing you out. Can't wait til you and the blog world get to meet her :-)

  6. I laughed at the cheeseburger story.. sometimes a girl just needs a cheeseburger. Lord knows I have cheeseburger cravings (and no excuse.. oh, and they never go away. :P)

    Looking good! These next 4 weeks will fly by!

  7. You are looking SO fabulous, I just CANNOT get over it :-D Love the cheeseburger story, TOO funny. Do you think you'll go back to meat once the little one is here?

    SO glad your doctor's appointment went well!!

    And it's almost nursery reveal time?? WHOOOOOOP!!

  8. You look fantastic!!! Hang in there - call or email if you need anything. So happy to hear the ultrasound went well.

  9. Hahaha love the party trick. Lol wish I could see it. Lmfao I busted out laughing.
    Love ya. Muuahz Xoxox

  10. holy smokes it could be any day now!!! where did the last 8 months go?! I cant wait to hear her name!

  11. I'm still super impressed your rings are still on.... I eat Chinese food and my rings don't fit an hour later!

    Can't believe how fast this has seemed to go! Congratulations on everything!

  12. So glad to hear everything is healthy and you're happy! She still has done time to cook and gain some weight. Can't wait to hear about your shower:)

  13. You look SO freakin' cute! Love the pics comparing how you looked during the different stages of pregnancy! Is it weird you make me have baby fever BAD?!

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