Friday, September 5, 2014

A Look Back at August

I learned something about myself while attempting to accomplish my long list of August goals....I have NO problem accomplishing the "Fun" category.

Here's a look at how I did {pink means big fat fail, btw}...

  • Take advantage of my super cute blog planner from Breezy Organization to plan/brainstorm posts 
  • Post EVERY week day in August {woah!}
  • Clean out mama and mou inbox {currently 506 emails - yikes!} I was able to get my inbox from 506 to 55! I consider this a big win! 
  • Catch up on blog reading! 

  • Attend/plan an Essential Oils event I'll be sharing more about this next week, but I hosted and Intro to Oils event and am officially hooked! 
  • Meal Plan & Grocery Shop EVERY week
  • Run a 5k
  • Train for the 5k {3 runs a week?}
  • Find time for at least 4 yoga classes
  • Do a 2-day Zula Juice Cleanse 

  • Update Budget & Create a financial plan This needed to be done SO bad! Hopefully this will get us back on track with saving & paying off debt!
  • Organize photos!!!
  • Create a cleaning schedule {and stick to it!}
  • Create a work schedule {and stick to it!}
  • Set up new laptop for optimum organization {whatever that means} My laptop is up and running. It seemed to take FOREVER to get everything transfered and organized but I did it and it's been a HUGE help. I stole this idea from Pinterest and have loved how effective it's been for keeping my desktop organized.

  • Celebrate Scott & Kelly's Shower in Okaboji Done! So fun! It was my THIRD roadtrip to Iowa of the summer {so random} but it was SO.MUCH.FUN. Cannot wait for this wedding in November!

  • Celebrate Sarah's Bridal Shower Done! I had such a fun day hanging by the pool with some of my best college girlfriends and celebrating our beautiful bride-to-be {who isn't even in this picture - whoops!}.

  • Celebrate Aaron's 30th Birthday Done! It was a beautiful night on the lake celebrating Aaron turning the BIG THREE-OH!

  • Celebrate Jason's Birthday Done! There were family dinners, presents, a giant pot pie and mint chocolate chip cupcakes - not to mention he was gone his entire birthday weekend on a wine/golf trip he qualified for through work. Lucky ducky!
  • Start a Book Club! Done! I am SO excited about this! My high school girlfriends and I have officially started a book club! We got together to plan/decide all the details of our club and picked our first book - The Woman Who Wasn't There! I am so pumped about this!
  • State FairDone! So fun!
  • Tim McGraw Concert Done! So fun!
  • Kick off Gopher Football!  Done! So fun!
  • Start brainstorming ideas/Planning Kenley's 2nd Birthday!!! Not only did I start brainstorming ideas, I got the entire thing planned! I can't wait it's going to be so much fun! 

As for my September goals - I think I am going to just focus on accomplishing all the things I didn't accomplish in August - then get excited for some fresh October goals.

What your September goals?


  1. Girl...I was looking at that list earlier in the month and wondering how you were going to do it all...not that I'm happy you proved me right or anything =) BUT I think you focused on the right stuff - the fun is important and you had a lot to celebrate and a lot of deep fried goodies to enjoy at that fair!

  2. Blog every weekday?! Crazy person. Just crazy.

  3. LOL- I love this. You are SO GOOD at doing fun stuff! ;) hehe... ps, so awesome that you started a book club. Can I be a long-distance member?!

  4. That thing is HUGE...the pot pie, that is! LOL!!

    Having fun in life is so important, you'll alway remember the great memories...not the items checked off your chore list!


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