Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Sister is a Senior

Tuesday was the first day of school for most of the kids in Minneapolis - one of them being my baby sister. Kara is 12 1/2 years younger than me to the day and the fact that she is now in the first week of her senior year is totally freaking me out {not to mention making me feel real old.} This is going to be a big and crazy year for my family as Kara is the baby and looking at, deciding on, and sending her off to college will no doubt be dramatic, emotional and difficult {unless she follows in her big sissy's footsteps and goes to the U of M! please Kara!} But I am so excited for her and so excited to see what her senior year has in store for her! 

A few weeks ago, Kenley and I had the honor of tagging along with Kara and my buddy Sara as they took Kara's senior photos. I wasn't at all surprised when they turned out incredible and just could not resist the urge to share them and brag about how talented Sara is and how gorgeous my little Boodgie is.

Kenley just could not resist the urge to jump in a photo with her Auntie Kaw-Kaw.  This is also now my favorite picture pretty much ever! 

to see more check out Sara's blog!


  1. Ummmm. Your sister is GORGEOUS!!!!!!

  2. She is seriously SO PRETTY! I hate her... in the nicest way possible ;) I love all her outfit choices AND that last picture is perfect!!

  3. Sara does it again. A beautiful subject doesn't hurt either. The mou shot is adorable! xo m

  4. She is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Sara did an amazing job with the photos and that last one melts my sweet!!

  5. Holy smokes those are gorgeous pictures and your sister....just wow! Love the last picture with Kenley, so so sweet! :)

  6. i know i have said it a million times, but your sister is BEAUTIFUL! i cant get over how much she looks JUST LIKE YOU in the second to last photo. i have one hashtag for this too... #longestlegsEVER


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