Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Oil Bandwagon

It's official. I am obsessed with oil.

I have read all sorts of blog posts and articles over the past year or so but it wasn't until my health coach, Danielle, hooked me up with a couple of samples that I really bought in to it. 
My favorites so far are Lemon & Lavender and I seriously want to buy and try every.single.stinkin.one! It is so fascinating learning about the different oils and all the benefits. Fun Fact: I didn't use a DROP of bug spray this whole summer! That is huge considering the big joke is that the Minnesota state bird is a mosquito. Instead, I used a couple drops of lavender and those pesky blood suckers didn't touch us!

If you are new to oils, like I was, here's a little who, what, where breakdown of why I decided to hop on the bandwagon. 

WHO: Everyone. Seriously. No matter what your lifestyle, ailment, passion or body type there is an oil {and most likely lots of oils} for you!

WHAT: doTerra Essential Oils {I'll share more on why I chose doTerra over other brands another time} are a Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade of aromatic compounds gently and skillfully distilled from the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants used throughout history in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. 

WHERE: Everywhere. Seriously. Use oils for cooking, cleaning, use them topically, drink them. I start every day with a glass of water with one drop of Lemon Oil in it, it starts my day off nice and fresh while getting my organs all woken up and cleaned and this is just one teeny tiny example!

WHEN: All day, every day. Whether you need to get rid of a killer headache or you incorporate oils in to your daily beauty regimen there is no limit to the time and place for oils. 

WHY: More like why not? Oils are completely natural and found from nature. I don't know about you but the thought of modern medicine wigs me out. If there is a chance I can cure an ailment naturally, you better believe I am going to go that route first! 

HOW: You just order them online and they show up on your doorstep! 
Check out http://mydoterra.com/mamaandmou to research and shop! 

I am so excited to share more posts with you about what I've learned and how I am using oils in my daily life! In the meantime, if you have any questions or are interested in learning more - don't hesitate to leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail


  1. We didn't get into oils until Mia was born, but now we love them! A couple of our top faves are On Guard (a life saver during the sick season) and Digeztion (or however you spell it) Helps soothe our tummy aches but it really seemed to help Mia when she was itty bitty and a little constipated. Oh, Breathe has been amazing as well!

  2. I have quite a few friends that SWEAR by these. I struggle with pretty bad headaches a lot, and have been told to look into the oils. Maybe I'll have to get a sample pack or something!?

  3. Thanks for introducing doTerra Oils to me!! They have made a difference and I am ready to try a few more. xo m

  4. I'll be following for more posts, I've been definitely curious about doing oils too!

  5. I will be looking forward to hearing more about these too! I've been skeptical but I know more and more people saying they can seriously help. Any specific ones for allergy sufferers??

  6. ah, we've been oil fanatics since we had Rae. Lavender is a staple here!!

  7. I lurve my doTERRA oils!!! Pastense and Purify are my favs! Pastense will get rid of a headache in no time and if I put Purify on my zit gone the next day!! So excited for yoU!

  8. We use doTerra too! Lavender is my favorite and we are currently using it on Aubrey's chin scar! Hopefully it helps!


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