Thursday, July 2, 2015

July Goals: Health

July! Say what?!
I can't believe how quickly this summer is already going! If you read my Happiness Project post from yesterday, then you know I am embarking on a little self improvement quest for the rest of the year starting with my health. I decided to tackle this one first because let's face it - how we feel impacts everything we do. Working out will give me more energy to tackle the upcoming month's goals. Eating healthy will help me look better and feel better which is never bad. AND giving up a couple non-healthy indulgences and meal planning will save money! Wins across the board! 
Weight Loss Secret....
My resolutions this month were as follows: 
  • Create a work out schedule
  • Meal Plan
  • Quit Pop
  • Cut Back on Booze
  • Drink More Water
  • Limit Starbucks
  • Limit Meals Out
  • Get a Good Night's Sleep
I decided the best way to work towards these resolutions was to create a little game for myself because let's face it - like a small child or a dog I like to be rewarded for my efforts. I made a table of daily goals that will benefit my overall health and each goal is worth a point for a total of 7 points a day. At the end of July's 31 days, if I have earned myself 200 points, I am treating myself to a new swimsuit {no budget} for my upcoming trip to Las Vegas! It's a doable but lofty goal and I'm pretty excited. 

So here are my daily goals: 
  1. Take a minimum of 10,000 steps {tracked by my handy FitBit}
  2. Drink 85oz {or more} of water {also tracked by FitBit}
  3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes
  4. No booze {hold me}
  5. No pop
  6. No Starbucks {hold me tighter}
  7. Enter all food/drinks into MyFitnessPal and come in under the calorie goal
5 Ways to Make Running Feel Easier
And just to make things a little more interesting, alongside my girl Erin, I have entered my first ever DietBet...have you heard of this? You basically enter a challenge and bet money you'll achieve it. If you do - you win your money back. If you don't - your money gets split between everyone who did. If you achieve your goal and others don't - you WIN money! We entered a challenge to lose 4% of our weight in 4 weeks which times out perfectly for my month of health not to mention I want my $35 back and that is definitely motivating me to stay on track with those above goals! 

What are your goals this July?


  1. You have inspired me! I have to drink more water (does club soda count) and get to yoga twice a week. xo m

  2. !!!! So awesome. I was challenged last year to do a dietbet by a friend, and she actually just sent me an invite again this morning! Ahh scary. You can totally do it. I love your point system. I think rewarding ourselves is great motivation! And who couldn't use a new bathing suit?!! ;)

  3. GO YOU!!! :) I miss my FitBit. A LOT. If I had mine, I'd work to stay ahead of you this month! HAHAHA I know you can hit these goals!!!

  4. EEK!!! DietBet here we come!!! :) I'll help you, you help me! I've GOT to get those steps in- just moving/walking helps so much. I love the swimsuit reward, perfect for this challenge and Vegas!

  5. i love the point/reward system!! i can help you out in the no booze, it's REAL easy!!! ;)

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