Thursday, July 30, 2015

Weekends Passed

Remember that time I inadvertently took a 3.5 week blog break because life got so crazy I just couldn't get myself to sit down and write? Whoopsies. Things have been hectic and overwhelming over here but also super fun! We are really packing it all in this summer and sadly the blog takes a hit when our schedules are full. We've been working hard and playing harder and our weekends just seem to get better and better - I'm telling ya, this summer is one for the books. Here's what we've been up to while I was not blogging....

We kicked off 4th of July weekend on Friday afternoon with fun at the pool and a BBQ at our house. Our besties Colin & Sharisse brought their boys over to swim and we all had a blast. 

We spent 4th of July on the lake with my family then joined my brother & sister-in-law for a BBQ and then ended the night at the country club for fireworks. Kenley was entertaining us all with her firework commentary..."Wow! Look at that one! Yellow! Blue! Oooooh!" It was great. 

The next weekend we went to Jake & Carolyn's to help them with their basement reno. As an avid HGTV viewer I was SO excited to knock down some walls. It was a lot for work but it was so fun! I left with some pretty hefty bruises but beating the crap out of some walls was totally worth it! I'm so excited to see the new basement all finished! 

That same weekend we celebrated one of Kenley's bestie's 3rd Birthday! Vinny had a pirate themed party at Edinborough Park and Kenley had a blast. She loves "Binny" and couldn't stop talking about the fun they had together. 

The following weekend was my dad's big basketball tournament that we run every year. It's a long weekend of a lot of work but thanks to some company tickets, I was able to bail early to enjoy the Kenny Chesney & Jason Aldean concert at Target Field. It was an awesome night with awesome music, awesome friends, and a few too many awesome cocktails - but that's what summer is all about isn't it? 

And then, finally, this past weekend we got to celebrate one of my college roomies, Clara's, wedding! It's always amazing to spend some quality time with my old roommates and our guys. We have so many memories together and the laughs are pretty non-stop when we're together. 

It's been so fun and exhausting and believe it or not, August is set to be even busier than July has been! But, I'm not complaining! I'm so lucky to have such awesome friends who want to spend time with bring it on August! 


  1. I love seeing all of the pictures! Kenny and Jay on the boat is adorable. What a great July. xo m

  2. Look at you! Looking all Joanna Gaines or something! ;) but honestly how do you look that cute doing demo work?? You've been a busy bee!!!! Definitely sounds like a summer for the books!!!!

  3. Every picture of Kenley I kept being like okay that's my fave, no that's my fave, no wait.... ! ;) She is too beautiful! You have seriously been having one of the best summers of all time, I'm pretty sure. I have a feeling August MIGHT just top everything though!!

  4. You guys have been so busy but having so much fun!!! I love the hugging picture of Kenley and her friend - it's so sweet!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. supes busy, supes fun! love that bride's dress!


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