Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Baby To Do {6 months to go}

It's NOVEMBER! How is that possible? November is always a crazy month for us because our anniversary and Kenley's birthday take place along with the start of the holiday season! We also have Jason's cousin's wedding coming up {Kenley is the flower girl!} and then it will be gender reveal time, my birthday and Christmas! And then all of a sudden it will be January and I will be a couple months from having another baby and likely completely freaking out. Thankfully, this to-do list I put together has been coming in handy and helping me feel on top of things. I've even got some things crossed off the list early - which always feels awesome! Here's what I've checked off so far and also what is still left to do. With just 6 MONTHS until baby {what?!} here's what I have done and still left to do! 
 Take a positive pregnancy test!!! - Positive text taken 08.13.15! Read the whole store HERE. 

 Figure out due date - Ziggy will be arriving sometime around April 29th!

  Tell Jason the good news - I had every intention of telling Jason in some super cute way the second time around but it just didn't happen due to the shock factor. But he does know, so check!

  Set up Bump Date drafts for the blog - I did not do this with Kenley because I was too superstitious and as a result was rushing to get them done and even forgot to do them a few times, so at least this time around I am going in with good intentions and have the drafts setup and scheduled!

  Tell parents & close friends the big news! - We started to slowly tell family and our closest friends after the 6 week mark. We didn't do anything cute, just shared our good news when the opportunity presented itself. 

  Pick up pregnancy essentials - tums, cocoa butter, chapstick - I've got them all readily available!

  Update MyFitnessPal with pregnancy nutrition - See my post all about my plans for a healthy pregnancy HERE

✔ Set up healthy pregnancy weight gain tracker - I used this site to figure out my information and refer to it each week to see if I'm staying on track {which I most certainly am not}.

✔ Determine which prenatal tests we may want or need - We did to the genetic screen at 13 weeks to test for Trisomy 18 and 21 so signs of down syndrome. 

✔ Investigate insurance coverage - Thank Jesus for Jason's work insurance. It's so fantastic. We have to pay a pretty minimal amount once a month for 6 months which covers all of our prenatal care. Of course our hospital stay coverage will depend on what goes down when peanut arrives but other than that all we have to do is call the office when Ziggy arrives to add him/her to our plan. Easy. 

✔ Dating ultrasound - We had our dating ultrasound on October 5th which confirmed our little babe will be coming sometime around April 29th!

✔ 10 week prenatal visit - Had my first visit with my doctor and all was well! .

✔ Schedule announcement photo shoot with Sara Jayne - Done!

✔ Share the big news with Kenley! - She had jumped right into her new role! Read all about Kenley becoming a big sister HERE! 

✔ Announcement shoot with Sara Jayne! - Done! And it was so much fun! I'm so in love with all the photos. 

✔  11-13 week genetic testing appointment & ultrasoundThankfully, these results all came back -normal! I will have another blood test next week which tests for Spina Bifida.

✔ Go public with the big news! That was the BEST DAY! It was so much fun receiving so many notes of congrats! Plus, going public made it all seem more real. 

✔ Share news with boss(es) & brush up no maternity leave policies - All three bosses know about baby! I still need to figure out how maternity leave is going to work but 

✔ Invest in some larger clothes - This was necessary much sooner than expected but I am glad to have some clothes that fit! At least for now! 

✔ Plan gender reveal party - We will find out the gender the day before my birthday!!! So we are doing a small birthday dinner and reveal party with closest friends and family. The invites are designed and will be sent out soon! 

✔ Pick a date for Sprinkle - My incredible best friend offered to throw me and baby a Sprinkle this Spring. The date is set and the guest list is created! I'm so excited!!!

  Plan babymoon - Babymoon planning is in progress and I am SO EXCITED!!!! We haven't been on a family vacation yet, so I'm pumped this will be our first! 
  Reach goal of walking/running/biking 400 miles - I've got a lot of work to do, but so far I'm at 54.11 miles. 345.89 left to go {about 14 miles a week - doable}!

Start pregnancy safe workout routine - I've gotten some workouts in but am definitely not in a routine. I really want to set up something I can stick to all winter. 
Attend a TC Bump Club Workout - October's class was cancelled and I was so bummed! 
Create financial plan & beef up savings - Yup, definitely still need to sit down and discuss this. 

{weeks 12-16}
  15 week prenantal visit
 Schedule some prenatal yoga classes

{weeks 16-20}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  Schedule prenatal massage
  Figure out Child Care
  Mail gender reveal invites
  Find outfit for gender reveal
  Plan gender announcement 

{weeks 20-24}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  20 week ultrasound and gender scan!
  Gender Reveal Party!!!
  Announce baby's gender to the world
  Pick a baby name
  Register for baby
  Finalize nursery plans and create a nursery to-do

{weeks 24-28}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  24 week prenatal visit & gluclose screen
  Work out the details of maternity leave
  Develop birth plan
  Start tracking baby movement
  Make a "Labor Day" plan for Kenley
  Go on babymoon!
  Talk to Sara Jayne about maternity, hospital & newborn shoots
  Work on the nursery

{weeks 28-32}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  28 week prenatal visit
  Put together a Big Sister gift for Kenley
  Get hospital & coming home outfits for baby
  Pre-register at the hospital
  Study up on circumcision (if necessary)
  30 week prenatal visit
  Make hospital packing list and pick up anything we need
  Find Sprinkle outfit
  Hostess gift for Sprinkle host
  Find outfits and plan details for maternity shoot
  Schedule professional house cleaning
  Work on nursery

{weeks 32-36}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  32 week prenatal visit
  Take maternity photos
  Celebrate baby at Sprinkle!
  Send Sprinkle thank you notes
  Finalize outfits & ideas for newborn shoot
  34 week prenatal appointment
  Unpack and wash baby gear, pump and bottles
  Finish nursery
  Pack for the hospital
  Pack Kenley's bag
 Build phone tree for baby announcement

weeks {36 -BABY!}
  36 week prenatal visit & group B stress test
  Design birth announcements and address/stamp envelopes
  Baby laundry
  Buy any remaining baby items
  Install car seat
  37 week prenatal visit
  Make freezer meals
  Rest & Relax!
  38 week prenatal visit
  39 week prenatal visit


  1. Girl, I seriously LAUGHED OUT LOUD at my desk when I read 'take pregnancy test', you are too funny! Glad you checked that one off, too funny!

    Man, that picture of Kenley gets me every time, she is soooo cute.

  2. I love how much of a planner you are!! And I get more excited for you with every post!

    Lauren :)

  3. You are SO freakin' organized and I love it!! Can't wait to see the invites for your gender reveal party!!! ;)

  4. So glad you did this so I can look on!!! Also can't wait for you to find out the gender! Our babies will be born so close together...ahh! yay!

  5. Wellpppp! Whenever its time for Caleb and I to begin a family, I know where to look for a checklist! ;) LOVE! This is so exciting, girl!!


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