Monday, January 4, 2016

Baby To Do {4 months to go}

2016!!!!! Officially the year my baby will be born! HOLY MOLY! November and December flew by in the blink of an eye. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that our second baby is due in just 4 months!!! Thankfully, despite the busy holiday season and feeling like crap for the better part of December, we were able to get some baby related things checked off the every growing to-do list of life. I'm feeling pretty good about where we are at right now but also know there is much that still needs to be done.

  15 week prenatal visit - This was just a quick little appointment but we got to hear a healthy heartbeat which is always reassuring and exciting.

  Mail gender reveal invites - I ended up just doing a little evite {gasp} after completely changing our reveal plans last minute. 

  Plan gender announcement - I wanted to share baby's gender in a fun way and thought getting a new Christmas ornament would be a fun way to do that as well as have some special to remember this exciting time in our lives! 

  20 week ultrasound and gender scan! - December 11th will always be special because it's the day we found out we were having a SON! I'll never forget hearing the words "it's a boy!", I still get emotional just thinking about it. 

  Find outfit for gender reveal - I didn't real go out all out on this because there wasn't a need to. But I did treat myself to a new maternity top and necklace. Nothing fancy.

  Gender Reveal Party!!! We kept it simple with just our family and very best friends and it was a blast! Sharing our news this way was perfect and so special. 

 Announce baby's gender to the world - We're having a BOY! And now everyone knows it!

 Pick a baby name - We do have a name! We have been 100% on our little boy's first name for YEARS {not even kidding, we talked about it on our third or fourth date - when you know, you know!} We are pretty sure on a middle name as well! And, NO, we will not be sharing the name until he's born. I love having that surprise at the end. 

  Register for baby - I wasn't sure whether a registry was necessary for a second baby but after talking to some friends, felt it made sense. So Kenley and I went to Target to pick out some things that her little brother will need! 

  Finalize nursery plans and create a nursery to-do - I think I have a clear plan for what I want to do with baby boy's room, and obviously along with that comes a big ol checklist! More on that coming soon.

  Schedule prenatal massage - My sweet husband sent me to the spa for the entire day on my birthday! I not only got a prenatal massage but a facial, a manicure and a blowout! I got a special lunch and got to relax by a fireplace in between appointments. It was the best day! 

 Plan Babymoon - It.Is.Planned.And.Booked!! Jason, Kenley and I are heading to Arizona in February! We'll spend a few days at my mom's in Scottsdale as well as a couple days in Tucson for an Arizona Basketball game! I could not be more excited to spend some quality time with my little family of three before we become a party of four.

◊  Start pregnancy safe workout routine - I think I worked out ONCE in December thanks to feeling like garbage. BUT, no better time than the New Year to get back on track. Exercise is so important during pregnancy for so many reasons so I really need to make this more of a priority for these last few months! So far over the past week, I've been doing good!   

  Reach goal of walking/running/biking 400 miles - I've got a lot of work to do, but so far I'm at 81.24 miles. {318.76 left to go, yikes!}

  Talk to Sara Jayne about maternity, hospital & newborn shoots - We have our maternity session booked for early March and I'm so excited! The hospital and newborn shoots we'll have to nail down once little man is here {or close} but I am starting to browse some ideas and inspiration!

  Find Sprinkle outfit - I actually ordered 4 dresses right after Christmas in hopes of keeping 3 of them, one for each sprinkle and one for my cousin's wedding coming up the end of this month. I've never ordered from asos before, but am hoping at least a couple of these will work out! 

  Work on the nursery - Operation Nursery is well under way! I'm excited to share an update with what I've accomplished in there so far! 

  Attend a TC Bump Club Workout - Still haven't made it to one of these. Hopefully soon!!!
  Create financial plan & beef up savings - This should be super high on the priority list, but still just hasn't happened.  
 Schedule some prenatal yoga classes - Yoga is so good for the body and mind and I need to get some classes in ASAP!
  Figure out Child Care - This stresses me out big time. I am lucky to have a flexible work schedule and an office where I can bring my kiddos. However, working with TWO kids will no doubt be very different than working with one. Jason and I need to take some time to figure out what life with two will look like and how we will manage our day-to-day.

{weeks 24-28}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  24 week prenatal visit & gluclose screen
  Work out the details of maternity leave
  Develop birth plan
  Start tracking baby movement
  Make a "Labor Day" plan for Kenley

{weeks 28-32}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  28 week prenatal visit
  Go on babymoon!
  Get hospital & coming home outfits for baby
  Pre-register at the hospital
  Study up on circumcision (if necessary)
◊  Put together a Big Sister gift for Kenley
  30 week prenatal visit
  Make hospital packing list and pick up anything we need
  Hostess gifts for Sprinkle hosts
  Find outfits and plan details for maternity shoot
  Schedule professional house cleaning
  Work on nursery

{weeks 32-36}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  32 week prenatal visit
  Take maternity photos
  Celebrate baby at Sprinkle!
  Send Sprinkle thank you notes
  Finalize outfits & ideas for newborn shoot
  34 week prenatal appointment
  Unpack and wash baby gear, pump and bottles
  Finish nursery
  Pack for the hospital
  Pack Kenley's bag
  Build phone tree for baby announcement

weeks {36 -BABY!}
  36 week prenatal visit & group B stress test
  Design birth announcements and address/stamp envelopes
  Baby laundry
  Buy any remaining baby items
  Install car seat
  37 week prenatal visit
  Make freezer meals
  Rest & Relax!
  38 week prenatal visit
  39 week prenatal visit


  1. Love the way you did the gender reveal!! So cute!
    Still lots to do, but plenty of time!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Absolutely love the video of the gender reveal - those faces are priceless!! You are going to rock all those to-do's girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I'll do the TC Bump workout with you ONLY if we can have coffee afterwards! Date?

  4. Love your list!!! I'm happy to have booked my photographer finally!! We are hoping to start the 21 day fix workouts only (not diet) tonight! I can't get over how fast it's all going!!

  5. That is the best birthday present!! And I hope those dresses work-they look so pretty!

  6. You are so organized - I love it. :) Exact opposite of my 2nd pregnancy!

  7. You rock at life! I can't wait to see what dresses you decide on because those are ALL cute! Plus, I need the info on Asos because I've never ordered from them either but they have so many good options!


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