Friday, December 4, 2015

A Running Review

I'm not sure what the heck happened to me this year, but I'm really stinkin' proud of myself. As I shared in this post earlier this year, I used to HATE running and would find any and every excuse to get out of it. But somehow over the course of this year I have learned to enjoy it, have become better at it and have turned it in to a regular old hobby! 

I set a goal to clock 350 running miles this year which sadly I fell pretty short on. Normally I'd be kicking myself for not achieving that goal, but I am really excited with what I did accomplish, so I am not beating myself up in the slightest. With 27 days left in 2015 I have clocked a total of 134.41 miles all of which were strictly running miles {yes, I'm a freak and track walking miles separately}. 

Beyond just the miles I clocked, I also ran in 4 different states; Minnesota, Arizona, Colorado, and New York {my run through Central Park being my most favorite run to date}!
I also racked up some new race t-shirts and medals by participating in a 5K, a 10mile Relay {my first!}, a 10K {my first!}, and a Half Marathon {my first!} this year!
I set a personal record for my fastest mile, ran my fastest ever 5k and ran a 10k while 4.5 months pregnant. ME! The girl who used to cheat on The Mile in middle school!  I really can't believe it but am super proud of what I have accomplished this year in something that used to absolutely terrify me. I know that running is going to get tougher as I get bigger and now that it's winter, but I don't intend to give up and am excited to get some post-baby races on the books for next year!

 If you are thinking about trying to start running but are scared to start - DON'T BE because I really truly mean it when I say...if I can do it, YOU can do it!  


  1. That's so awesome girl! Running sort of fell off for me this year, but I want to get back into it in 2016! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Way to go, friend! I'm so proud of you and your commitment to running this year. I think it's awesome you set a goal and did so well with it. Especially after being a mile cheater, hahaha! Hilarious!!!!

  3. Go you girl!!! That is awesome!!! Keep up all of your hard work--fit mama!

  4. I love this! Running is no joke---you rock! I also love that you've been keeping up with all the miles. What a great motivator!

  5. Extremely proud of you! Mr. Bender would be proud of you too. :) xo m


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