Monday, December 7, 2015

{bump two} 19 weeks

 Mom :: +12 lbs // Baby :: appx. 8.5in & 6oz {a tomato!}
Baby's sensory development is going crazy and baby  is starting to grow hair!
147 days til Due Date!

Um, does that say 147 days until due date??? Craziness! It's hard to believe I'm just about to the halfway point and dangerously close to finding out the gender of sweet little Ziggy. Overall, week 19 was good, but I was so tired. I'm having a hard time drumming up energy despite it being the second trimester.

Even though energy was lacking, I was able to get a start on baby's nursery! I got all the non-baby stuff out of the room, cleaned it, stripped it down and started priming and painting the trim and window. It's amazing what a few coats of white paint on the trim can do to a room, it's already feeling brighter and happier and cuter!

As far as the typical pregnancy stuff rings are fitting fine, I have to pee every 10 minutes, no stretch marks in sight so far, I'm still craving beef {all the time}, chicken and turkey make me want to barf, I miss chardonnay, my back is starting to really ache, and I am feeling baby move more and more and it's my absolute favorite part of pregnancy!

We are now just DAYS away from finding out if Ziggy is a girl or a boy and it's essentially all I can think about. I am just dying to know! I have been feeling that it's a baby boy from the second I saw those two pink lines but my certainty about it makes me feel like it's got to be a girl because I am always wrong about stuff like this. HA!

One more thing to note which is both adorable and funny. I dropped Kenley off at school on Tuesday and there was a note on the door that said "Cora is a big sister!" Cora is Kenley's little school bestie so we got very excited to see that her mama had a baby. A few minutes later Cora walked into the room proudly holding a picture of herself and her new baby sister. She showed it to Kenny and Kenny goes "I'm going to be a big sister too!" It was so sweet and adorable, I couldn't take it. I got to the car and started to cry and couldn't stop. I loved to so much the pride and excitement that Kenley had when sharing our news with her friends and teachers at school. She is going to be the best big sister and it makes my heart hurt in the best possible way. 


AND! Congratulations to Ashley who won our Favorite Things Giveaway!


  1. Yay for almost being able to find out the gender of little Ziggy!!! Can't wait until you find out and share the news!!

  2. Awwwww, such a cute Kenley story, that is just the sweetest. You are look fabulous, lady! Can't wait for the gender reveal!

  3. You look so great! Cannot BELIEVE you are practically halfway!!! So excited to find out what Ziggy is :) :) :)

  4. Looking amazing, Mama! Can you believe how fast time is flying?!?! So excited for the gender reveal!!

  5. You look gorgeous! That is absolutely precious she is telling all her friends. It makes my heart so happy!


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