Thursday, December 3, 2015

Operation Nursery

I am so so so so excited about decorating this nursery! I loved how Kenley's nursery turned out, but I was pretty limited on what I could do in there. Her room was also our guest room and was huge! Not to mention I painted it gray to make it into a cuter guest room two weeks before I found out I was pregnant. So the black furniture and gray walls were non-negotiable. Like I said, I loved how it turned out and it was fun to do but this time around I feel like I have more creative control and have been anxious to get the ball rolling! 
my blank canvas!

While technically not a thing has been done to the room, things are in motion. Before I started on baby's room I wanted to get Kenley's big girl room done which I finished ON her birthday {I'll get around to posting it eventually :)}. With the makeover of Kenley's room and the move in general, this baby's room has become a catchall for everything without a home. So it's going to take a lot of work to get it suitable for baby. Not kidding. 
This is the current condition...
OK, in all honestly, as of yesterday it no longer looks like this {though it did for 3 months}. Kenley's stuff is all out of there now, her old furniture is currently being stored in our laundry room and all of the non-baby stuff is piled in the hallway waiting to find a new home. My original plan was to paint Kenley's black furniture white {I painted her bed white too} and move it to the baby's room and then get her a new dresser {which my mama gifted us, it's the white dresser in the pic} and then get a new crib {that converts into a toddler bed & big kid bed like Kenley's} for Ziggy. I had started on the furniture and then began looking for cribs which then lead me to measuring and trying to configure the room in my head...only...there was nearly no way to do it. Unless I positioned the crib in the very middle of the room or in front of the window the furniture was just not going to work together. The dresser is too wide and cribs are too deep so no matter where they were in the room there was overlap.

Cue irrational pregnant breakdown. I basically had four options. 

Option 1. Swap Kenley and Ziggy's furniture which, really, wasn't a reasonable option because we made a big stinkin' deal and got all excited about Kenley's bed being painted white and her getting a new dresser and the last thing I want is for big sister to resent baby before it's even born for jacking her new furniture. 

Option 2. Move Kenley into the smaller room. The big furniture would fit in Kenley's room and Kenley's furniture would fit in the baby's room and naturally I determine this a week and a half after I've worked my butt off to finish Kenley's big girl room and present it to her on her birthday. 

Option 3. Put time and money into finishing the current furniture, try to sell it, then use that money to buy new furniture. Which would be done in approximately August and lead to sleepless nights until then.

Option 4. Mope and whine and complain to my mom and friends via text. 

I went with option 4 and it totally worked in my favor! Turns out my amazingly awesome friend Nikki is not only really good at calming me down but also has a spare dresser she is not using that has the perfect dimensions to be a changing table that FITS in the bedroom WITH the crib! It needs to be painted, but I was planning on painting furniture anyways so PROBLEM SOLVED! 

With the furniture debacle figured out, we were able to decide on a crib! Hooray!
Delta Children Haven 4-in-1 Convertible Crib - White
Haven 4-in-1 Convertible Crib by Delta Children

And, I was able to get the room configuration planned out and a preliminary to-do list mapped out! 
 Move giant non-fitting furniture to basement {thanks hubby & brother!}
 Clean out all non-baby stuff
□ Sort through Kenley’s baby clothes {Keep, Sell, Donate}
□ Prime and Paint trim, window & closet door white
□ Buy new white knob for closet door
□ Paint walls {light blue or mint green???}
□ Paint wood valance white
□ Buy new blinds
□ Buy new outlet / switch plates in white
□ Pick up dresser from Jeff & Nikki
□ Sand, prime and paint dresser white
□ Add knobs to dresser
□ Buy crib
□ Buy cube storage
□ Plan Décor!!!

Once we get this stuff checked off and find out the gender {on FRIDAY}, the fun part can begin!!! I have a ton of ideas for a baby boy nursery and one somewhat concept I'm not completely sold on for a baby girl nursery. 
that poop looking color in the middle is supposed to be metallic gold, fyi

Either way, I am so excited to be starting this fun project and can't wait to start making this room special for my BABY!!!!


And speaking of BABY you should probably head over to my friend Erin's blog because she has an itty bitty announcement today!!! 


  1. I'm glad that the Option 4 worked out for you haha. I can't wait to see how it all comes together!!

  2. Cheers to friends that help you out. Love both color schemes!

  3. Can't wait to see how it turns out!!! Soo excited to hear what the baby is!!

  4. Option #4 should ALWAYS solve everything!!! ;) I'm so glad Nikki is helping you out and I seriously love the crib you guys picked out! Also, I need to know what program/website you used to do the room dimensions- that looks super helpful!!!

  5. I'm with Erin. How HELPFUL is that website?! Omg!! I need to know where it was. I feel like that would help make everything into a realistic vision! You're a rockstar!!

  6. What! Such goos friends you have, now you're super organized! LOVE the color schemes... that "poop yellow" lol gold will be perfect!

  7. Hooray for working it out! Love the color schemes for this little babe!! xx

  8. I so remember the craziness of the baby deadline and having SO much to do. Our entire 2nd floor wasn't finished so we essentially gutted the two bedrooms and bathroom and re-did them. It was terrible. And only finished a month before the baby was due. I was freaking out! Unfortunately, it meant that all of the crap went into the downstairs rooms which currently look like the furniture filled picture you posted! Haha, so I FEEL YA! Can't wait to see the nursery! I can't believe you are finding out so soon!

  9. So glad the nesting kicked in. I have no doubt the nursery will be very special. I love both of the color schemes even though it is color. xo m


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