Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Holiday Wish List

IT'S DECEMBER! The second week of December nonetheless! Which means the two biggest holidays of the year are upon us! Ya know, Christmas and My Birthday! This time of year it's fun to think about all the things I WANT. Something new and different from thinking about and buying only what I NEED. Of course, I never expect gifts and truly all I ever want for my birthday is some kind of celebration with family and friends and I am definitely one of those people who has way more fun giving Christmas gifts than receiving them. But nonetheless, I spent some time thinking of some things that would really make me smile should they find their way in my stocking this year!

Nick Carter, I'm Taking Off. I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't yet own Nicky's newest album. Shameful.

Tory Burch FitBit. I have the pink rubber TB band for my FitBit and I love it. If you wear something all day every day, it should be cute. I've been lusting over the gold metal one since it first came out. 

Spiralizer. OK, so random I know. I've wanted one of these dang these forever and just haven't pulled the trigger on my own. 

Chanel Lippies. My most favorite lipstick, my Chanel, is just about empty! So a replacement would make my lips real happy. 

Uggs. My winter boots hit the dust last year when they got a hole in the bottom so it's time to find a new pair. Sadly, you just can't live in Minnesota without boots. 

Wine Glasses. We had 12 wonderful wine glass and are somehow down to 2. TWO. I guess that's what happens with overuse. Anyways, I need some new ones before April when I can sip my Chardonnay once again.

Spa Day. I'm pregnant, I'm tired and I'm sore. I want {and possibly even need} a manicure, pedicure, facial, massage, and any other relaxing amazing thing they do at spas. All of it. And quick. 

What's on your wish list this year?


  1. 12 to 2....bahahaha, at least you know you used them well! Hope you get that spa day, mama!

  2. The spiralizer is a great one!!! We use ours all the time!

  3. I want a spiralizer too!!! I'll send you some of our glasses- we seem to get them as gifts all the time so we have TOO many haha!

  4. That hand held spiralizer is great - we use ours all the time and it's easy to store! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I've also been wanting a spiralizer to try making vegetable noodles!! I love your list!!! ;) that TB Fitbit is cute!!!


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