Tuesday, January 5, 2016

{bump two} 23 weeks

 Mom :: +19.2lbs // Baby :: appx. 11in & 1lb+ {a mango!}
Baby can hear loud noises and can feel me dance!
119 days til Due Date!

Week 23 was pretty uneventful aside from celebrating New Years Eve and getting the nursery painted! I am in love with the color I chose {with some help from my little assistant} and am excited to get a couple other projects finished up so I can start decorating!
I have been feeling a lot better physically the past week which is a huge relief. I still get tuckered out pretty easy and am having some cramping here and there, but overall feel way better than I did all of December.
Emotionally, however, this week has been a tad challenging. The hormones are in full swing and I feel like I'm crying every two minutes. I'm feeling overly sensitive, easily overwhelmed and just in a bit of a funk in general.  I have, however, been getting in to more of a groove with exercising which I know will benefit my mood and have also really been digging baths lately which always helps any ailment!
Other than that, most exciting was probably Jason getting to feel Ziggy for the first time. It was pretty faint but he was finally able to feel his little boy moving. This guy has been getting more and more active and I think Big Sister will be able to feel him soon which I know she will think is so cool.
That's kind of it this week. I'm looking forward to our upcoming trip to Colorado where I get to see my entire family as well as checking in with my doctor next Monday {hooray glucose test}. Other than that, I'll be over here chipping away at all the things I need to get done before lil man arrives!

Week 13 vs Week 23! 




  1. So fun that you have the photos to look back on from your previous pregnancy! Glad to hear that you're feeling better physically--I'm sure that makes everything else feel so much better too! Keep up with the exercise to help with your mood--you got this girl!!

  2. Love the color you painted the nursery! I can't believe you're already 23 weeks! Time fly's! Have a great day <3


  3. Looking good, Mama! I feel you on the hormones...Christmas and New Year's were rough! Easily overwhelmed when preggo! And yay for baby boy kicks!!!

  4. You look great, lady! I agree with you, exercise will you feel better! Sending you a hug!

  5. You look freakin' awesome :) Can't wait to see you decorate the nursery- I know it's going to be SO cute!! xo

  6. yah jason got to feel baby!!! it will be SO exciting for K too, i still remember and hope to remember the face avrie would make each time she could feel the baby move! #itstheBEST


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