Thursday, March 24, 2016

Madelyn Ashley Boutique Giveaway!

If you read my post yesterday, you read that I put together a fun bag of goodies to give to Kenley at the hospital to celebrate the day that she officially becomes a big sister! When brainstorming ideas for the bag I knew a Big Sister shirt was a must - I mean it's kind of a right of passage isn't it? However, I've got to admit most of the shirts I see are just not my style. I'm not overly girly and don't really do frills so finding a shirt that is cute and fun but not cheesy wasn't as easy as you'd think.

Enter Madelyn Ashley Boutique.

Jess has some ADORABLE shirt designs perfect for a big sister or big brother but also for your kiddo's birthday parties as well. I really love that she uses fun hoodies and raglan shirts because it's different than the typical plain white tee you usually see. Can we talk about the little navy raglan "ONE" shirt? Pretty sure Ziggy's first birthday ensemble is officially determined. 
I LOVE the shirt I picked out for Kenley and cannot wait to see it on her! She's going to look so cute and be so proud! The fabric is nice and lightweight so she'll not only be cute but super comfy. The color is a perfect teal, I wish my photo would have turned out a little better so you could really see how great the color is. And, I know Kenley will be super wound up about the glitter letters - her shoe laces are glittery and it's basically the most exciting thing ever.
Jess was sweet enough to offer one of my readers one of her shirts for FREE! All you have to do is enter below and I will announce a lucky winner on Monday!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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