This week has been rough. Sunday night I was up most of the night with pretty bad cramps. After they proceeded to get worse on Monday morning I called my doctor and she suggested I come in right away. Of course, I was scared to death. When you have intense cramping during pregnancy only one thing pops in to your mind. I am so thankful that Jason was able to get away from work to meet me at the appointment. Fortunately, everything with the baby is perfect! I, however, may have some additional hurdles to jump. My doctor's initial concern was appendicitis. My symptoms weren't severe enough for them to send me to a surgeon but because of the pain I was feeling they didn't want to rule it out. They also thought it could be the scar tissue from my endometriosis stretching, which can cause pain. I went back to see the doctor for a check up on Wednesday morning and they have ruled out appendicitis, at least for now. Thank the Lord! Unfortunately, if it is in fact scar tissue (which we hope it is) there isn't much they can do for the pain but give me a prescription for Tylenol with Codeine. It blows my mind that Advil is unsafe to take but Codeine is OK. So for now I'm just trying to handle the pain the best I can without any pain medication.
I feel much better than I did earlier in the week but am still feeling some cramping here and there.
Anyways, let's get on to the fun stuff...
Nugget this week... developing a protective coating called vernix caseosa--it's greasy and white and may be seen after birth. developing nerve cells for sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell in the brain.
via thebump & baby center
Size of the baby?
6 whole inches! And, 8.5 ounces.
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
I'm up a total of 11 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?
Cotton dresses are still my best friend, so I haven't had to buy anything else yet.
Stretch marks?
No sir!
Best Moments?
Hearing the baby's heartbeat. After being so scared of hearing the worst, that sound was absolute music to my ears.
Tuesday night out of nowhere my stomach got that feeling you get when you're going down a roller coaster! It was nuts! I think nugget is doing some back flips in there. I cannot wait to get to the point where Jason can feel it too!
Food Cravings?
MANGO! I am eating mango like a boss. Which is hilarious since baby is the size of a mango this week! :)
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Still can't handle veggies or meat, which is a major bummer.
What I miss?
Really not missing anything this week, just super happy that me and bambino are healthy.
What I'm looking forward to?
Finding out the gender! Only 11 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just the cramping, which has been distracting me from any other symptoms I may be experiencing.
Just the cramping, which has been distracting me from any other symptoms I may be experiencing.
Labor signs?
Please do not say the "L" word in my presence.
Not sure yet...11 more days people! 11 days!
Belly Button In or Out?
Still an innie.
Still an innie.
Wedding rings On or Off?
These puppies are still on!
My lower back is still sore so I have some trouble getting comfortable and the bathroom breaks have increased to about 3 times a night...but other than that I'm sleeping pretty good!
Love your OBGYN. Seriously! Whether you are currently pregnant or not, if you don't absolutely adore your OB...FIND A NEW ONE. This whole pregnancy thing is an emotional roller coaster and every time I see my doctor or call the nurse I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am in the best possible care and that feeling is honestly priceless.
Love your OBGYN. Seriously! Whether you are currently pregnant or not, if you don't absolutely adore your OB...FIND A NEW ONE. This whole pregnancy thing is an emotional roller coaster and every time I see my doctor or call the nurse I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am in the best possible care and that feeling is honestly priceless.

Hubby reminds me of the tin man in this picture. Love it!
Man, I bet that was scary! I hope the pain goes away and glad your little one is doing well.
Your husband's pics are hilarious!
Hope you are feeling better soon! Glad to hear baby is ok!
So glad to hear everything is okay! I'll keep you and nugget in my prayers girl that everything keeps going smoothly!
Can't wait for you to find out pink or blue!! ;)
Is your Dr the same one you've always went to?
So glad you and baby are ok!! Hopefully with time the cramps will pass! Yay for finding out the gender soon! Are you guys going to have a party or just find out from the Dr?
I have had a lot of that cramping/stretching lately too. Call or email if u want to commiserate!
Your bump is too cute :) And Jason cracks me up! I love that he is taking these weekly bump pictures so seriously :)
glad everything is okay! I can't even imagine what that worry feels like.
Unrelated: Jason.... I die. hahaha. I can just picture it.. he hears you want to take the photos, and can see him sitting there wrapping himself in tinfoil thinking it's the most normal thing in the world to be doing. I may have to copy you and get M in on the "bump" photos.. he'd have a field day too!! hahaha
I am glad to hear you are ok! That is scary! However, your husband can sure cheer up a post with those crazy pics lol. How long did that take to get him wrapped in the foil?! lol.
I'm so happy to hear you and baby are okay. Cramps are the scariest during pregnancy!
Great advice on loving your OBGYN. With my son I switced doctors at 34 weeks and delivered at 36. Best decisiion I ever made. Of course when I got pregnant this time around I stuck with the same doc. He is wonderful :)
So glad everything is good with babe. 11 days!!! ek.
Ok you hubby just about killed me, he is so creative with his photos.
Look at your little bump - looking great!!
I'm glad everything is good and the babe is safe! I hate any sort of cramping I get! Scares the day lights out of me!! 11 days is going to fly by! I am excited for you! You should put up a survey so we can vote on the sex! Have a good day!
SO GLAD THE NUGGET IS OK! Whew. Your husband is so weird. Did he use an entire container of tin foil? Is that in your budget? You should add a line - "Jason's costumes". Can't wait until we know if it's a boy or a girl!!! EEK!
I'm SO glad to hear everything is okay! I'm sorry you've been in pain though...hopefully some meds will help!
I'm so glad baby nugget is OK!! I'm dying at Carolyns comment and adding Jason's costume into the budget hahahahahahah hilarious!
Tylenol with Codeine is the best, I am super duper sensitive to all pain meds and this one doesn't bother my tummy in the slightest. Hope you feel better! Alpha Love!
You look great, glad you and baby are okay!! Love seeing what Jason is going to do each week!
i dont even know what to say because im laughing so hard at your husby. OMG
but ok back to business....first, your bump is the cutest thing to date. i hope you are okay with your cramping that is no bueno :-( but glad you and baby are okay!!!
11 days OMGOSH i wanan know so so bad
I'm so glad you are ok!!!
How scary a moment for you! Darn pregnancy and making you second guess every cramp, muscle twitch and gas bubble ;)
OH....and 11 DAYS!!! EEE!!! I'm excited for you to find out! :)
I'm so glad you and the baby are ok! That must have been so scary! You look adorbs as usual and your husband is hilarious! I feel like your gender reveal is the longest EVER! I want to know NOW! I'm guessing BOYYyyyyyy.. don't know why, just a feeling!
How much did J spend on foil!?
Glad you and baby are ok! That must have been scary. I fell on the ice when I was 21 weeks and it was the scariest thing ever! Luckily they have so much padding in there :) Can't wait to hear the gender!
I love how you don't even address J's photo hahah you guys are hilarious.
jason seriously cracks me up!! i love him. aww i'm sorry to hear about the cramps, i hope they go away!!
Gosh. How did I miss this scary baby update?? (Oh yeah, being out of town...) SO GLAD you're okay!! Are you feeling better this week?
I L-O-V-E Jason's photos and how you never ever attempt to explain his choices, HAH! I kind of want him to keep that outfit and walk into Chipotle with it on, asking for his free burrito.
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