Cue Bon Jovi....
I cannot frickin' believe that I am halfway done and am now 5 months pregnant!
Where is the time going?!
Nugget this week...
...has taste buds! gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day.
via thebump & babycenter
Size of the baby?
About 6 1/2 inches long and over 10 ounces!
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
I'm up a total of 12 pounds, still right on track.
Maternity Clothes?
I'm starting to have to bite the bullet and expand my maternity collection. My most recent purchase was this dress for my convention in Nashville this weekend.

Stretch marks?
Haven't seen one yet.
Best Moments?
Registering! It got me SO excited and made everything seem more real.
Registering! It got me SO excited and made everything seem more real.
I'm feeling baby move more and more, but it's most noticeable when I'm laying down to go to bed. This baby might just be a night owl like his/her mama.
Food Cravings?
Not really anything this week. I had some bad mango earlier this week which put a quick stop to that craving.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Still not doing veggies or meat.
What I miss?
I miss Advil. Tylenol isn't doing a whole lot for these aches and pains.
I miss Advil. Tylenol isn't doing a whole lot for these aches and pains.
What I'm looking forward to?
Finding out the gender!!! Cannot take it any longer.
Holy heartburn! Tums have become my new best friend.
Holy heartburn! Tums have become my new best friend.
Labor signs?
We are still not discussing the "L" word.
Still. Don't. Know.
Belly Button In or Out?
Wedding rings On or Off?
Still on baby!
I'm having a harder and harder time getting comfortable, but still sleeping pretty well.
Register for it all. Babies need a lot of stuff, and whether you're having one baby shower or ten, register for everything you might need or want. You obviously won't get it all as gifts, but you will get 10% off everything you don't get {thank you completion discount}. And, the people kind enough to buy a gift will have plenty of options! Plus, a registry is a nice way to keep track of everything you need for baby so you don't forget anything important...think of it as your shopping list!

You look so adorable in that LBD! When do you find out the gender?!
That dress is adorable! You look great!
If you're having heartburn, you should try Zantac (the generic is called Ranitidine and it's less than $5 for a bottle at Target that lasts forever). My doctor said it's perfectly safe and it helped me immensely.
You look great in that dress! What a nice choice :)
You look amazing in that dress! It is so cute!! I would be going crazy not know the gender, so I am sure you are too! Can't wait to find out what the nugget is!
Only a few more days!!!!
That dress looks like it was MADE for you girl! Is that the one you posted the other week? If so, good choice!
Have you heard the old wives tale about having heartburn and having a baby with lots of hair? Just might be the case :-)
Love your dress! I'm excited to get a registry started. I need to check out the list that you posted. Did you register at multiple stores, which ones?
Have a good trip to Nashville!
Yay for halfway there! You look great!
Girl, I could write an entire post on how much I miss Advil....
god I love your husband!! baahahahahahha a wig! I can see a little bump!
I love that dress---it's super cute and very flattering on a baby bump!
Whoaaaaaaa, livin' on a prayerrrr! ;) (Yes, I will now be singing this all day long)
Your husband's pictures are absolutely killing me, he's a riot!
What day do you find out the gender?!??! I feel like a total creep for being this excited, but you are honestly a blog I have been following for almost a year now and I'm just so happy for ya :)
How exciting!!! You are looking as cute as ever! Can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl! :)
HALFWAY!!! holy cow! time has FLOWN. I will never forget that phone call haahah I <3 it.
oh my goodness look at that bellayyy! yay! can you hurry up with the gender already I am a little impatient and that LBD looks wonderful on you.
Love this! And great tip about the registry. I can't really handle the fact that you're halfway through already. And I'm not even talking about your husband in that picture.
You are just *baaaarely* hotter than J in those jorts. Wow. You two make one TOO HOT TO HANDLE couple ;-D Loooooooove the dress and the whole look. Fly safe and have fun this weekend! :-)
(PS-- can you tell I"m catching up??)
I love that dress on you!
And hubby is super hot in those shorts.
Yous hubbs had it goin on! Yay on making it 1/2 way and you are looking so great! Way to stay on track with your weight!
Your husband cracks me up in all of his photos. I hope you baby has his sense of humor... so fun!!
your husband kills me. love it
Your hubby's pictures are to die for! I'm loving the Guy Fieri hair! :-)
These next 20 weeks are going to fly by and before you know it, you'll be holding your sweet baby in your arms!
New follower :) Can't wait to hear what you're having!
Would love for you to stop by and visit my blog.
Woo hoo! Half way there! ps. Your husband is hilarious! Can he come to happy hour? :)
halfway already?? the bump is looking good!!
You look so good!!!!!!!!!
You look beautiful my dear. As for Jay...what a ham bone. xo m
lol love the pic as usual! I will have to show my husband all of these bump pics! He will love them!
Hope you have a nice time at your conference!
Oh, and please send me your registry info. when you're able. I'd love to get the baby something!
You look amazing! I seriously would have never guessed 5mos!
And I LOVE the Bon Jovi reference :)
cant take it. Can you ask him if he will dress like Lil Wayne one of these pics?
ok adn now onto your bump. YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE BUMP!!! I just love you! that dress is KILL-ER. Rock it mama
and loook at you no nthrowing up or anything! i want to have your pregnancy when the time comes
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