It's been a pretty fabulous week in the world of pregnancy. I am feeling really good, baby is looking perfect and I'm feeling really happy and excited.
There's a lot of Arizona love in our house right now because one of our favorite Arizona Wildcats, Chase Budinger was just traded to the MN T-wolves! Jason and I are really, really, really excited!
Even Bailey is pumped...
I know, we're cruel.
Nugget this week...
Even Bailey is pumped...
Nugget this week... manufacturing meconium, the tarry black substance that will be found in the first diaper (oh joy!)
...if it's a girl she already has a lifetime supply of eggs in her womb
via thebump & babycenter
Size of the baby?
About 10 1/2 inches (4 inches bigger than last week!) and according to the doctor weighing in at 12 ounces (as my MIL says "the size of a beer!")
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
I'm up 13.6 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?
Still rocking the pre-preggo clothes with a few maternity items mixed in.
Stretch marks?
Best Moments?
Our doctor's appointment on Monday. I will never get tired of hearing that me and baby are progressing perfectly. And I won't lie, I cried like a baby (happy tears) when we found out the gender, it's a moment I will never forget.
This child is a spaz. Nugget is squirming more and more and the movements are becoming more and more noticeable. I'm really hoping Jason will be able to feel it soon.
Food Cravings?
Really no cravings, but I do wish I could have a giant Turkey Tom from Jimmy John's.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Meat and veggies.....still.
What I miss?
I really don't miss anything this week, just happy to be healthy and have a healthy baby.
I really don't miss anything this week, just happy to be healthy and have a healthy baby.
What I'm looking forward to?
Revealing the gender next weekend!!!
I'm feeling pretty good. Still some back pain here and there but nothing I can't handle.
I'm feeling pretty good. Still some back pain here and there but nothing I can't handle.
Labor signs?
I am completely avoiding the topic of labor until I am forced to face it at our prenatal classes.
Belly Button In or Out?
Wedding rings On or Off?
Suckers are still on!
Sleeping great!
Try prenatal yoga!
I am a big fan of yoga but have been nervous to practice since becoming pregnant for fear that I would push myself too hard and hurt myself or the baby. There is this GREAT prenatal yoga studio here in MPLS (blooma for all you locals) that specializes in prenatal yoga. So on Tuesday I gave it a whirl and I am so glad I did! It was still a great workout but more importantly it was so calming and relaxing. I really think everyone should try prenatal yoga a few times throughout their pregnancy. It really is a fabulous way to connect to your body and your baby.
Try prenatal yoga!
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this pic was too creepy not to use. |

That is so interesting! I can't believe that half way along, they have all of their eggs. Can't freakin wait for you to reveal the gender!! I'm guessing girl!
Oh my gosh, that picture is CRAZY! So glad to hear that things are going perfectly, you look so happy and cute - and you're over halfway there! Can't wait to hear the gender!!! (I'm living vicariously through you since I won't know ours until he or she is born!)
Kristin you are killing me here now that you found out your are content but we are so not! By the way you are glowing you look amazing!
Ahhhh- I cannot believe we have to wait so long for you to tell us!!! ;) I can't wait! I know you guys will have so much fun telling all your families! You look great girl-- made me so happy to read that it's been a good pregnancy week :)
CAN you please email me right now with the gender? I SWEAR ONMY LIFE I won't say a soul and I think I should be able to know since we are "like this" (doing the fingers thing) and bc of our phone call chat when this all went down. PAHLEASSE!
i'm w katie! i can't wait to find out the gender, tell me now!!! i'm too excited to wait :D
So fun watching you grow my grand nugget. Cannot wait to get my hands on him! xoxo m
I'm convinced you guys are having a girl!! I can't wait until you do your gender reveal!! And seeing as I think you're having a girl, you need this ;-)
Isn't the movement a CRAZY feeling?! Oh my gosh, soon you'll get into a routine - you'll know when that nugget is most active, and if drinking/eating certain things causes it. So fun, and so excited for you guys!! :-)
And thank you for the prenatal yoga review - I've been on the fence about it! Think I'll give it a go.
I can't wait to find out if nugget is a girl or a boy! EEK!! :) And please don't talk about that black tarry substance anymore. Gross. HAHA :)
Love the Arizona stuff AND your pretty smile :-) LOL twisted tea... Too funny!
SOOOO exciting that you found out the sex. You KNOW everyone is going to be listening and/or reading when you type every baby reference for a "she" or "he" ;-)
I'm so jealous you have prenatal yoga!! We don't have anything like that here.
You are funny, reason mentioned size of a beer was cause your husband (AKA my son) is a wine and BEER distributor. I am soooo proud to be your MIL, you look beautiful and you are so smart. LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART! Schoob made me laugh too!
Yay! You look great! I cannot wait to find out the gender!!!!
love love your bump!! not as crazy of an outfit for hubs hahaha
So glad you and baby are doing well. Can't wait to hear the gender, although I have my guess. But maybe you are trying to throw us off? hehe. I went to Blooma when I was pregnant. It's awesome. I also took my daughter to the BYOB (Bring your own Baby) yoga class when she was 2 months and it was super cute, but she cried a ton, so I didn't go back again. haha!
You look great! I can't wait to hear what gender your little nugget is!!!
I absolutely can't wait for the gender reveal :)
YAY next week! I think boy :)
And also? Why no Jimmy Johns?? I mean, I know the lunchmeat thing.....but still, plenty of pregnant women eat lunchmeat and have perfect little bundles of joy. Indulge once in awhile ;)
so exciting! Can't wait to hear the gender...I can't believe how quickly it's all coming along!
When are you telling us boy or girl? I'm so sad! :) lol
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