These past few days, actually, this past week has been really rough. My happy-go-lucky sweetheart of a daughter has been whiney, mopey, clingy, irritable and crying CONSTANTLY. She had a fever for three straight days, has splotchy skin on her face and isn't eating. Based on the symptoms, constant hand gnawing and parental intuition {and of course a call to the pediatrician} we're thinking it's teething. The hate these stupid incisor teeth so much I may just rip them out when they finally come in.
Seeing my baby in pain and not feeling well breaks my heart. I would do anything to make her feel better and take away the pain. And in addition to her not feeling well, I am exhausted. It is not easy listening to crying all day and trying to comfort all day and trying to do your best to make your baby better all day.And then of course there's the late-night-screaming-in-pain part.
It's been hard, yes, but this past week has made me incredibly grateful. For one, I am grateful that Kenley didn't feel like this for all of her other teeth. For the most part, teething has been a non-issue for her. I really can't imagine having to have done this for ever tooth. I am grateful she wasn't a collicky baby, I am grateful she has never had anything worse than a cold, I am grateful she has been an easy baby and an easy toddler. I know that there are parents out there dealing with SO much worse than teeth. I can't fathom the strength it would take to comfort a child with a serious disease or illness. I am counting my blessings for sure.
I am so grateful for my healthy baby and I thank God for that every day and now when I pray at night I pray that these stupid teeth come in {and quick} and I pray for all the kids and parents dealing with pain far worse.

My poor little Kenny buddy! :( Hopefully those teeth pop through soon so she can go back to being happy!!!
Poor Kenley! :( Teething sounds awful... I hope she gets through this rough patch soon!!
Poor Girl :( She looks miserable. Praying right along with you that those teeth pop through soon!
Teething sucks!!! I hope those dumb teeth pop thru soon and she can feel better so everyone can go back to normal! Colin gets a runny nose and you would think that wiping the snot dripping from his nose, practically into his mouth would be the world coming to an end! It's like I'm torturing him! Just a little tip: as I know you are into oils now!! Lavendar helps Colin's gums if you get ahead of the pain. We have put it on his gums before he reaches the out of control crying and screaming. But if he is already having a melt down, well than lavendar is of no help!
this picture. break my heart! praying for you woman. also i feel asleep during text sesh last night haha
Ugh poor thing! I hope those teeth come through soon and she's out of pain!!! Good luck :)
Poor Kenley! I hope she starts feeling better soon.
Poor little baby! Caleb is going through a tough time with teething too and it's so hard on all of us:(
Teething effing sucks. I'm right there with you, friend. C is working on his second set of molars. Ugh.
Good job by mama. xo m
Teething=no fun for baby and mommy. My lil one (14 months) still has no teeth! but we see them and she has been drooling and cranky!
cheers to healthy babes and sad, sick babies make for hurting mommies too.... poor thing, hoping she's over the hump and that knocking tooth has arrived.
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