Kenley is a month away from being three years old {how?} and she won't.stop.talking. To be honest, I completely lost track of what was "typical" in terms of milestones and development after she turned one, but it seems to me this kid's vocabulary and language is a little ahead of it's time. She doesn't miss a thing, remembers EVERYTHING and is quite literally an adorable little sponge.
While she is speaking in full sentences, uses words like "actually", "remember" and "probably"{correctly I might add} she still is just a baby and has her own little spin on the English language. I'm kicking myself for not writing down every single funny thing she's said and all of her Kenley versions of words, but there are a few that will forever stick and therefore have been deemed "Kenleyisms".
- Chunky Mail - or junk mail
- Mewgert - or music
- Woah-Woah - or car {no idea}
- Bob - or sippy cup of milk she gets when she wakes up and before bed
- Poovie - or "smoothie" aka those fruit/veggie pouches
- Bobo - her best friend Brody
- Calvin and the Chickbux - Alvin and the Chipmunks
- Nen - her nickname for herself
- Paw-pellows - or marshmallows
- Fa-go me - or fallow me
Currently she can't say her "Rs" or her "Ls" and both she pronounces as a "W" so her name is "Kenwee", her favorite color her "Weh-whoah" {yellow},
And then she has all 8 of her grandparents which have their own unique Kenley name: Papa Tom, Papa Meow Meow, Papa Horsie, Papa Steve, Yia Yia, Grandma Juicey, DiDi and Blue.
Each time she learns to say a word correctly, I get a little sad. I mean, I'm happy she's learning and am proud to have the most brilliant kid to ever live but her fun little language is so cute and I kind of want her to talk like this forever.