Happy Tuesday mamas....it's time for another addition of BABY TALK!
Here's the rules:
{1} Write a post on ANYTHING baby related...pregnancy, parenting, products, stories, advice, you name it!
{2} Grab this button and put it somewhere, anywhere in your post!
Here's the rules:
{1} Write a post on ANYTHING baby related...pregnancy, parenting, products, stories, advice, you name it!
{2} Grab this button and put it somewhere, anywhere in your post!

{3} Publish your post on Tuesday!
{4} Come back and enter your post in the super neat link-up tool found at the bottom of every Baby Talk post.
{5} Check back and read the other blogs who have linked up!
Easy as pie!
*NOTE: Due to the long weekend (yay!) Baby Talk will posted on WEDNESDAY next week!
{4} Come back and enter your post in the super neat link-up tool found at the bottom of every Baby Talk post.
{5} Check back and read the other blogs who have linked up!
Easy as pie!
*NOTE: Due to the long weekend (yay!) Baby Talk will posted on WEDNESDAY next week!
Last week my baby turned 6 months old.
Can someone please explain to me how it's already been 6 months since this day?
Can someone please explain to me how it's already been 6 months since this day?
6 months. Half of a year. This little angel has been in my life for 6 whole months already.
I don't know how it's possible that she has already been with us for 6 months and yet I don't remember what life was like without her. (ps. this is my new favorite picture of Kenley...I can't look at it without cracking up).
Weight: 15lbs 4oz (50th percentile)
Length: 25 3/4 inches (50th percentile)
Sleep: Sleeps 8pm - 6am every night with a 2 hour nap in the morning and an hour nap in the afternoon.
Feeding: 30oz formula/day with 2 meals of solid foods!
Diaper Size: Still wearing size 1, but I think we'll have to buy size 2 next trip.
Clothes Size: 6 months
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Still has the baby blues, Jason and I call them glass.
Milestones: Sitting Up! Started Solid Foods!
Nicknames: Kenny. Kenners. Kens. Squeak. Mou.
My Kenley,
I don't even know how to put into words how I feel about you. You amaze me. I am sure every mom says this about their baby but I am pretty sure that you are the smartest, funniest, happiest, most gorgeous baby to ever live. Daddy and I always talk about how we love you more every day and it's so true. Just when I think you couldn't be any cuter and I couldn't love you any more...I do. And you are. This month was big for you! You started eating solid foods and you are doing great at it! You picked up eating from a spoon really quickly and so far you've loved everything we've given you, except for avocados! You do not like them at all.
You have also started to sit up on your own! You are still a little wobbly and tend to tip over, but you are so close and are loving the new vantage point.
I'd have to say though, the biggest change in you is your ability to interact. You are so engaged and have such a personality! Daddy and I already know you are going to be a handful once you're mobile and I don't want to even think about the teenage years...you are going to be a piece of work. But you are also so sweet. You love to "talk" to mom and dad, you've started to nuzzle on us which melts my heart and you are IN LOVE with your puggle.
There is no point in trying to get your attention if Bailey is in the room because you will be fixated on her. You squeal when you see her and you love to pet her. It makes your mama so happy to see her babies as best buddies.
Happy 6 months my love. I am so proud of you, love you more than words can say and am excited to see what these next 6 months bring to your already amazing little life.
My Kenley,
I don't even know how to put into words how I feel about you. You amaze me. I am sure every mom says this about their baby but I am pretty sure that you are the smartest, funniest, happiest, most gorgeous baby to ever live. Daddy and I always talk about how we love you more every day and it's so true. Just when I think you couldn't be any cuter and I couldn't love you any more...I do. And you are. This month was big for you! You started eating solid foods and you are doing great at it! You picked up eating from a spoon really quickly and so far you've loved everything we've given you, except for avocados! You do not like them at all.
You have also started to sit up on your own! You are still a little wobbly and tend to tip over, but you are so close and are loving the new vantage point.
I'd have to say though, the biggest change in you is your ability to interact. You are so engaged and have such a personality! Daddy and I already know you are going to be a handful once you're mobile and I don't want to even think about the teenage years...you are going to be a piece of work. But you are also so sweet. You love to "talk" to mom and dad, you've started to nuzzle on us which melts my heart and you are IN LOVE with your puggle.
There is no point in trying to get your attention if Bailey is in the room because you will be fixated on her. You squeal when you see her and you love to pet her. It makes your mama so happy to see her babies as best buddies.
Happy 6 months my love. I am so proud of you, love you more than words can say and am excited to see what these next 6 months bring to your already amazing little life.
Happy 6 months Kenley cutiepie!
I can't believe Kenley's 6 months already! WOW!!! Lord knows I'm loving the picture of K with your dog... so cute, lol!!
She is such a beautiful little thing! I love that she loves your pup! I hope mine are the best of friends, too!
Getting sooo big and more beautiful!!! I can't believe how big of a difference from newborn to 1 month is!!! Crazy! Happy 6 months to Kenley :)
Happy 6 months, Kenley! Adorable pics, especially with your pup! :)
Awwwwww, JUST the cutest post! Happy 6 Months, Lil' Ken! ;-D Hahaha, I giggle a bit at her grumpy photo too!!
It boggles my mind that Kenley is 6 months old already. I don't even know how that's possible. She seriously gets cuter every single time I see her. :) She's going to be such a cute wifey for Beebo! HAHA!
She is so adorable.
Aw Kenley looks adorable! She's so petite.. just love seeing new pictures of her! :)
I'll have to join this link up next week-- not ready to post an update today!
I can't believe she's six months already!!
Precious girl! Is she just getting more and more fun by the day??? We need a baby food video!
How is your little nugget already 6 months?! Oh my word! Time flies! I feel like you were just doing bump updates not that long ago!
She is just beautiful!
Kenly is so so cute! Her eyelashes are gorgeous! looking forward to finally being able to join in on the Baby Talk link party!
What a little dolly! So cute :)
Such a cutie pie...congrats!
those pictures just get better and better! how cute! i imagine 6 months is such a fun time, and theyre personality will only grow! happy 6 months sweet girl!
Again I love your blogs! (so commenting on the last 3) You are truly an excellent mother, and no bias you got an excellent baby daddy (ha!ha!) But you two did achieve what so many long for, congrats! Very proud! You make me laugh with your pics of you with the 5K run and Kenley on the swing, J & your Bro. Good job! Very commendable of you doing the run! You and J are truly very awesome people. LOVE U AND ALL!
Such a big girl! Maybe she'll change her mind on the avocado eventually :)
Happy 6 months Kenley! She's so adorable, love those big baby blues. I can't believe how big she makes the puggle look!
oh my gosh, you KNOW its true that kids grow way too fast when your blog friends kids are growing like weeds!! how is she already 6 months!?
Happy 6 months Kenley!! She looks like she's got so much personality these day!
What?! She can't be 6 Months?!
She is such a little doll, <3 her
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