Happy Tuesday mamas....it's time for another edition of BABY TALK!
Here's the rules:
{1} Write a post on ANYTHING baby related...pregnancy, parenting, products, stories, advice, you name it!
{2} Grab this button and put it somewhere, anywhere in your post!
Here's the rules:
{1} Write a post on ANYTHING baby related...pregnancy, parenting, products, stories, advice, you name it!
{2} Grab this button and put it somewhere, anywhere in your post!

{3} Publish your post on Tuesday!
{4} Come back and enter your post in the super neat link-up tool found at the bottom of every Baby Talk post.
{5} Check back and read the other blogs who have linked up!
Easy as pie!
My best friend, Libby, got Kenley this adorable beach towel and she loves it. It's nice and cozy and has a hood with a crown for crying out loud! It's perfect for giving nice big towel hugs after we get out of the pool.
6. Sunscreen
Obviously you don't want that precious little baby skin to burn. I SLATHER this stuff on, so much so Kenley looks like a zombie until it soaks in. My doctor told me after 6 months she could use regular sunscreen, but I still use the special baby
sunscreen because it's tear free, which is helpful when rubbing it in her face.
7. Cover Up
I got this cute little cover up from Carter's and it works great for getting Kenley to the pool.
8. Swimsuit
Most of the time I put Kenley in her suit before we leave the house. But obviously if we're out running around before, I've got to make sure it's packed.
9. Swim Diapers
We are using the Pamper's Lil Swimmers and they seem to be
working great! They don't poof out like regular diapers and fit great. PLUS, they have Nemo on them...can't be that!
10. Snacks
Kenley and I have been loving the Ensure bottles for the pool. You don't have to refrigerate it {ala breast milk} and you don't need to mix it {ala formuala}. They are great to just grab and throw in the bag and then pour into a bottle. I've also been packing the little baby food pouches. My homemade baby food aren't conducive for a day at the pool, so the pouches work great. Plum Organics is our favorite brand.
11. Wipes
Pretty sure I don't need to describe this one.
12. Floatie.
This little floatie is fantastic! It folds down small enough to fit in the pool bag but is nice and big to safely fit Kenley. Plus, she'll be able to grow in to it and probably use it next summer too.
{4} Come back and enter your post in the super neat link-up tool found at the bottom of every Baby Talk post.
{5} Check back and read the other blogs who have linked up!
Easy as pie!
I am REALLY excited about today's post because it involves my two favorite things::
Kenley & The Pool!
Anyone who knows me in real life or has been following this blog for a while knows that I have an addiction to sun and warmth and tanning and swimming pools. There is literally NOTHING I love more than chillin by the pool on a hot day. NOTHING.
It's no surprise that I have been busting at the seems for summer to arrive and to get Kenley to the pool. I was hoping and praying that she loved being outside in the sun and splashing in the pool as much as mom and thankfully - SHE DOES!
But as with anything regarding a baby, getting to the pool takes some planning. So, today I'm going to share my favorite baby swim products and share what we have in Kenley's pool bag!
It is incredibly difficult to get sunscreen on through a baby's hair, so I always make sure I have Kenley's sun hat with me. This is probably the single most important thing after sunscreen! It protects her little head from the sun and keep it out of her eyes.
No one likes getting sun in their eyes, especially babies! So I always have Kenley's sunglasses with us at the pool. Also, my eye doctor said that protecting infant's eyes from the sun is crucial because it can cause damage to the eyes resulting in vision trouble down the road.
3 & 4. Dry Diapers & Outfit.
3 & 4. Dry Diapers & Outfit.
I always make sure to bring some regular diapers and a change of dry clothes for when we're done swimming and ready to go home.
5. Towel.My best friend, Libby, got Kenley this adorable beach towel and she loves it. It's nice and cozy and has a hood with a crown for crying out loud! It's perfect for giving nice big towel hugs after we get out of the pool.
6. Sunscreen
Obviously you don't want that precious little baby skin to burn. I SLATHER this stuff on, so much so Kenley looks like a zombie until it soaks in. My doctor told me after 6 months she could use regular sunscreen, but I still use the special baby
sunscreen because it's tear free, which is helpful when rubbing it in her face.
7. Cover Up
I got this cute little cover up from Carter's and it works great for getting Kenley to the pool.
8. Swimsuit
Most of the time I put Kenley in her suit before we leave the house. But obviously if we're out running around before, I've got to make sure it's packed.
9. Swim Diapers
We are using the Pamper's Lil Swimmers and they seem to be
working great! They don't poof out like regular diapers and fit great. PLUS, they have Nemo on them...can't be that!
10. Snacks
Kenley and I have been loving the Ensure bottles for the pool. You don't have to refrigerate it {ala breast milk} and you don't need to mix it {ala formuala}. They are great to just grab and throw in the bag and then pour into a bottle. I've also been packing the little baby food pouches. My homemade baby food aren't conducive for a day at the pool, so the pouches work great. Plum Organics is our favorite brand.
11. Wipes
Pretty sure I don't need to describe this one.
12. Floatie.
This little floatie is fantastic! It folds down small enough to fit in the pool bag but is nice and big to safely fit Kenley. Plus, she'll be able to grow in to it and probably use it next summer too.
I'm so jealous of your pool! I'm a lover of the sun & the warmth too and the beach so I can't wait to get Aubrey there in August. Kenley is such a cutie pie with all of her beach gear. Adorable.
I love going to the pool, too! It's crazy how much stuff a baby requires. I sometimes take our sun tent too so we can hang out in the shade during rest period!
Oh, and now that Carson is super mobile, we're rarely in the pool, he loves to run around and follow everyone, ha!
We have that floaty too!!! LOVE it!
Such a great post, Kristin! SUPER informative as always :-)
SUCH sweet photos!!
I wish I had a pool for this hot weather! ;) And oh my is she a darling! :)
HER FACE in every picture. She is the happiest baby in the entire world i just love her!!
i also don't think its fair her swimsuits are way better than mine. THe pink and white polka dots?? Do they make that in adult sizes?
also though i haven't held a baby in over 5 years, nothing is sweeter than the towel hug. I used to LOVE doing that with my little cousins after swimming or after a bath! So snuggly
Excellent pool items. I loved taking my babies to the pool. Now we have our own in the back yard and they are old enough to pretty much swim on their own (with supervision of course)!
OMG. So dang cute. I love all of her happy little faces. I can't wait for next year when Beebo gets to play at the pool too!!
Awe so cute!!! Look at the water baby! :) Just like her mama!
She looks so happy in the water! LOVE.
I cannot wait to get baby H in the pool! Luckily we can swim til about October but I keep thinking about how much fun next summer will be with him at the pool!
I know I say it all the time, but seriously- you're such an organized momma and I love it! Role model :)
She is precious! Question, how do you get her to keep the sunnies on? Harper rips them off the second they touch her face!!
I would love for you to stop by and link up!
i can not wait for little man to be water friendly! i truly pray he loves it as much as i do too! and i am dying to move into a house with a pool in our backyard! AH!
That was a great post... Loved it :)
I always forget to do these link ups! Darn it! Doesn't help that I do my weekly bump pics on thursday's :)
Thanks for all the tips.. love this! Looks like she LOVES the water! So cute!
Ummmm she is just the cutest thing ever :)!
i love this and that you have a bajillion photos of her in the pool and her cute swimwear! such a cutie, nice share! :)
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