So, let's be honest, I think it has gotten to that point where I need to decide whether to keep this little blog of mine rolling or throw in the towel. As anyone who is still reading has noticed, my posts have been few and far between. I have a lot of post ideas floating around in my head but for some reason I can never make myself just sit down and write them. During one of my up-until-2am-just-thinking-about-everything-not-able-to-sleep sessions I was trying to figure out why that is. And, I think I did. The excuses are pretty lame but here they are....
1. Life has settled. I realize looking back I always had something pretty major happening which gave me a ton of interesting content - opening my own coffee shop, engagement/wedding planning, pregnancy, new baby. Then life just settled in. I love my life and there's plenty of parts of it I could write about - but for some reason it just doesn't feel interesting enough for anyone to care to read about it {I know, I know *sob story*}
2. Time. It's not that I don't have any time to blog, when you love something you make the time, right? But let's be real - blogging is a major time commitment. When I actually do sit down to compose a post or God forbid actually read some blogs - I find myself feeling guilty as I know there are so many other things I should be doing.
On the verge of composing an "I'm done" post, I did what any rational blogger would do, and killed some time on Pinterest. I noticed some of my blogger friends had pinned some Tips for Blogging articles and after God knows how long I had pinned a bunch myself and had actually read some of them. And then it clicked, something I've lost sight of time and time again through blogging - this is my blog. I just need to keep reminding myself that this is my little space to write, be creative, share and interact and it doesn't have to be anything more than that. If I write one post a month - fine. BUT, now that I am getting back to the basics and writing for ME again, I think I might actually be able to pull out more than one post a month. No guarantees - but I'm hopeful.
And just because it can't hurt, what are your tips for staying inspired?

I think writing for you is the way to get back on the saddle. I decided that long ago because the blog is essentially that, for me. I love love love looking back to a few years ago to see what we did and it makes it easy when I am making our year book...but sometime the time just isn't there for me and I don't feel bad about it. I love ready your when you find the time to write for you and your family, then do it.
I agree 100% to all of the above. There is nobody holding you to posting every day or every other day...just write when you can and when it feels right for you. No pressure here..this is YOUR space. I need to remind myself of that, too. ;)
My wife and I enjoy your blog and the peek you provide into your universe. My tip for you to stay inspired...skinny down your posts. A picture is worth a thousand words so take some of the pressure off of yourself by simplifying your posts to just a photo or 2 and a paragraph or less of writing. 10-15 minutes is all you need. This blog is indeed for YOU and I think you will most appreciate going back through it in future days as a "photo album" of your life & times.
Best Wishes, Mark
I love your posts! Try not to feel guilty about not writing often enough. We will still be here reading :) My main inspiration is that I print my blog into books for my kids because they have no other baby book! So I try to keep on top of things, even if my posts are boring to everyone else. ha
Keep going kid. You need to channel your creative gift. Keep it for you and we will all still enjoy! xo m
I think one tip is to have a weekly thing whether it is friday favorites or life lately or some kind of thing that you do one time a week ! like how people do what i ate wednesday link ups or a recap of the month with updates about your kiddo or something :) maybe a good start is to figure out what you love most and that could help you find the theme - like family life, crafts, party planning, food, fitness etc and take that main topic and make that your focus to get back into it :)
I get inspired through reading other blogs. But my blog is my blog - I try to not feel guilty if I don't post. I mean I shouldn't since I don't get paid to write it!! Haha
Don't be too hard on yourself. Blogging I think comes and goes for almost everyone because life will get in the way. And I understand feeling guilty about not writing- but like you said "it's your blog" so it for you and no one else!
Selfishly I'm glad you aren't going away...and if you don't post 4-5 posts a week? No one is gonna be mad at you. That's the reason we started these crazy blogs any way, so why not get back to basics and do it for you and to give ME my fix of your darling little gal!
yes, SO much time can be spent blogging and that is not something a busy mom like yourself might have right now (MINUS THE FACT YOU ARE HANGING OUT IN A BIKINI AND SUNNING YOURSELF RIGHT NOT) but anyway... i love when you write and love your style, i'll be here reading if you end up posting only 12 times a year ;)
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