Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just Call me Ansel Adams

When I found out I was pregnant I knew it was absolutely imperative to purchase a new, nice camera. So imperative, in fact, that we spent a small fortune on this camera before buying a crib or any other essential baby supplies. 

I mean, the baby can always sleep in a hamper, right? 
But I NEED to have high-quality photos of my child. 

This past weekend Jason and I bought a new Canon Rebel T2i and I absolutely LOVE it. 
You may or may not know this about me but I was a photography major for my first few semesters in college. I decided to switch to something more broad, but I have always loved photography. 
It's been years since I've shot with something other than my little point and shoot cameras so I was absolutely BUSTING at the seems to pull out the big dog. 

My girlfriend, Courtney, and I took a photography class this past Monday and it was so awesome to get a refresher. I was afraid the whole photography game had changed since my 35mm glory days. But, as soon as the instructor said "F-stop" it all came rushing back. 

I have pretty much been shooting non-stop and playing with different settings. I want to get back to the point where I'm only shooting on manual, and so-far so-good!
Lucky for me, I have some pretty adorable subjects who have been willing to model for me. Although the furry one isn't so patient when I'm messing with shutter speed. :)
Now, if y'all could help me find a way to convince the hubster I need some fun lenses and flashes....


Jess Beer said...

Such a good idea to take a class as a refresher! I've always loved photography too, but never had the fancy camera - we're saving up for it now so we have it by the end of the year :) I'm more of a Nikon girl though, so I will probably be going with one of those :)

Unknown said...

OMG, love the picture of Bailey running - how adorable!

Schnelle said...

I bought the same camera and I love it! I don't know the slightest thing about photography so I'm trying to learn by what I read online. I really should look for a class around here though.

Bridget said...

I got the Canon Rebel T3 and LOVE IT! I have no idea on other settings and would love to take a class also. Where did you take one @ here in the TC? Was it expensive? Thanks!

Bridget said...
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Shana said...

I'm in the same boat. Baby coming = I need a fancy-pants camera. We haven't bit the bullet on one yet; I'm still in the "ohmygosh I know nothing about cameras" place.

Kelly said...

Awww, this is SO awesome. SO glad you got the camera, you're going to love having it around :-D And so neat that you were a photography major!! You'll know everything there is to know about shooting photos by the time Carolyn gets her's too! :-D

Katie said...

aww yayy!!! your photos already look so profesh! teach me to shoot in manual :)

xoxo will miss you this wknd!

Jessica said...

That last one is so gooood!

Kristi said...

Question - where did you take a photography class? Like a community-ed type of thing? Or is it affiliated with a college/university? Only asking because I always wanted to do something like that and have no idea even where to look!

Kristen @ All In My Twenties said...

LOVE the first pic!! She is precious! This will be perfect for your bumpdates!!

I still cant believe you are preggo!! I know it sounds crazy but Ive been reading since before you were even engaged so its CRAZY to me!!! YAY!

agalandherdog said...

Yay! These are great pictures and you'll be so glad you have a nice camera for the baby!

Crissy Rae said...

I have a puggle too! They are just too cutr aren't they!

MIL said...

That is the most beautiful family I have ever seen! Including you and nugget! Love you and your Blog! You are an excellent writer.

Syndal said...

LOVE. I can't wait to get a fancy schmancy camera like that!

Amanda Leigh said...

I have the T2i and I LOVE it. Its everything I wanted in a beginners camera.
Funny thing... I actually bought it for when I have a baby!! And Im not even planning on being pregnant soon! I just knew I had to take my own shots of the future baby one day, and I wanted to practice practice practice! I still learn something new everytime I use it.

Kristen said...

i would do the exact same thing, i want to get a camera and learn how to use it asap, but esp before i pop out any babies

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

What a FUN new toy! I'm a teensy jealous, the T2i has been on my wishlist for quite some time now! Smart move splurging before the baby cause one they're here you'll never splurge again! LOL

Savannah said...

These pictures are incredible! You are going to be a professional by the time baby bee arrives!

Nicole-Lynn said...

Awesome! You're going to get great pics of the baby and family memories! I want a nice camera so bad! I think I'm going to ask for one for Christmas! :)