Thursday, August 15, 2013

9 Months In, 9 Months Out

My precious little Nugget was growing in my belly for exactly 9 months + 1 day and today marks exactly 9 months since the day she was born. 
I have literally spent every second of every day these last 18 months thinking of nothing but this precious gift. Kenley was a surprise. The best possible surprise. For whatever reason God thought this was the right time for Jason and I and I thank Him for my beautiful daughter every single day. 

Being a mom is unlike anything I ever could have imagined and Kenley will always be my proudest accomplishment. 

Baby Stats: 
Weight: 19 pounds! 
Sleep: Bedtime is between 7:30 and 8:30, wakes up around 6:30am and takes 2-3 naps during the day {a long one in the morning and two shorter ones in the afternoon}
Feeding: still getting six 5oz "ba ba's" a day with three solid food meals {breakfast, lunch and dinner}
Diaper Size: 2
Clothes Size: still in 6 month outfits but transitioning in to 9 month
Hair Color:  Blondie
Eye Color: Looks like the baby blues are here to stay!
Milestones: Starting to "talk"! "bababa", "dadada", and "mamama" is the currently vocabulary.
Nicknames: Kenny, Mou, KenKen, Squeakerdoo, Kenny Pops, Kenners, Kennels

My Kenny,

These last 9 months have flashed by in the blink of an eye. I am constantly in awe of you, the little miracle your daddy and I created. This has been such a fun month as your personality continues to grow. You are a little clown and you are well aware when you have an audience. You've started waving, clapping, and babbling - "dadadada" is your favorite thing to say. You are so busy and so curious. You are constantly on the move, I have a feeling this will continue your whole life. I have found myself holding you before bed just a little bit longer than usual as I know these cuddly baby days are limited. You are growing so fast and I love watching you get smarter and cuter and funnier every day. There's nothing I could say that would express how much I love you and how proud I am to be your mama, but just know that you are the absolute best thing that's ever happened to me.

I couldn't love you any possible more.



Tennille said...

What a beautiful little girl you have :) Happy 9 Months, Kenley!

Jessica said...

She's nothing short of perfect mama!

Schnelle said...

Awwww those two little teeth!! Such a cutie pie!

Bridget said... dang adorable! Happy 9 months to Kenley!!!

Jess Beer said...

That face! And the two little teeth! Too precious.

One day I will have to visit Minneapolis just so Abbie, Kenley, and Beebo can have a playdate!

Carolyn said...

OK. This post. Crying. SO SWEET! I cannot believe that Kenny Boo Boo has been here for 9 months. NOT POSSIBLE. I love my little mini Beeb, and I can't wait for her to meet Beebo!

Anonymous said...

I do not remember life without my little buddy. A darling post my Krit. xo m

Kate said...

This is so sweet! God really does know what's up ;)

Michelle Levine said...

YAY happy 9th months :)

P!nky said...

Awwww so sweet. God knew you were ready, :)!

~Dawn~ said...

Aww, she is so adorable. Happy 9 months!! Doesn't it FLY by??

Kristen said...

i totally teared up. it goes so fast! kenley is just the cutest little girl, i just want to kiss her cheeks! wish we lived closer and could have play dates!

ajs {of MN} said...

she is too friggin' cute! i love that second to last pic!

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