The first few weeks were truly a whirlwind. After we found out {read yesterday’s post HERE} it took several days, if not weeks to really accept what was going on. Not because we weren't happy or excited but because it was so NOT planned and came as a complete shock.
Of course, first thing Monday morning I called my doctor’s office to schedule an appointment. Like most offices they don’t see you for a full exam until you’re 8-10 weeks along. I had been having some significant pain in my right side, which is actually pretty normal for me because of my history with endometriosis {read that whole story HERE} and so they suggested I come in for a blood test just to make sure the HCG {pregnancy hormone} was at a regular level. Two days later I had my blood test and everything came back normal, but because of my history with endometriosis they wanted to do an ultrasound just to be certain there wasn’t an ectopic pregnancy {when the baby doesn’t make it to the uterus and starts growing somewhere else, usually the fallopian tubes.} So the day after that, Jason and I went in for my first ultrasound.
I truly cannot describe the feeling of seeing that tiny little sac safely in the uterus where it belonged. As you can see it looked like nothing more than a white blob but knowing it was safe and healthy and actually SEEING it in there was so overwhelming. It was at that point that I fell in love and really felt like this was all happening.
On the ultrasound they did find a cyst on my right ovary that was leaking fluid and was what was causing the pain. I guess this is pretty normal and called a corpus luteum and is nothing to be concerned about. Just to be safe they scheduled another ultrasound for 10 days later which I was over-the-moon about, the more times I can go in and make sure that bambino is safe the better!
Other than that initial little scare everything has been going pretty great. I instantly starting doing the weekly bump-date journals and decided instead of sharing ALL of them, I would group them in to the first 4-8 week and then tomorrow will share the next 9-12, bringing you right up to date! J
Size of the baby?
Started off as a tiny little poppyseed and grew to a plump little raspberry in just 4 weeks!
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
The first couple of weeks I actually lost weight which I attribute to eating way healthier and not drinking. As of week 8, I have gained 1.2 pounds which puts me right on track according to the Weight Gain Calculator I have been using.
Maternity Clothes?
I have been doing a lot of online browsing, but at this point I have just purchased one plain white tank from Old Navy and have yet to wear it.
Stretch marks?
Not yet, thank goodness! I’m sort of hoping I am one of the lucky few who doesn’t get any…a girl can dream, right?
Best Moments?
Week 4: The complete shock of finding out wearing off, and getting excited.
Week 5: Telling some select friends and family. All the reactions have been pretty similar so far -- totally surprised, but excited and happy for us. It felt great getting it out to a few with this kind of secret is HARD!
Week 6: Getting baby’s first outfit!
My Beeb bought this for us! Seriously, how cute is that?
It’s a onesie with matching burp cloth!
Week 7: Seeing the heartbeat! Just knowing everything is OK in there is the BEST feeling ever!
Week 8: Week 8 was kind of an emotional roller-coaster (damn those hormones) but my mom was in town from Arizona, so finally getting to see her and talk about the baby in person was really special.
Umm, no. Not for a while still.
Food Cravings?
The only major craving I have had so far has been for hummus and watermelon...not together, though that may be good. Oh, and Jimmy John’s, once I found out I couldn't eat deli meat I started to crave Jimmy Johns. And I guarantee it’s only the fact that I can’t have it that makes me want it so bad.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Thankfully, not really. I can no longer handle eating sausage or bratwurst…something about the casing really makes me gag. And then fresh veggies, they all taste dirty. I can handle frozen veggies but nothing fresh.
What I miss?
Truthfully there isn’t anything I miss terribly at this point. I mean, sure, I would LOVE a giant glass of Chardonnay or an ice cold Twisted Tea but I haven’t really gotten to the point where I’m dying to have anything yet.
What I'm looking forward to?
I cannot wait to get in for my first full exam on April 13th. It’ll be my first time seeing my doctor, who has been my doctor since I was 13. I absolutely love her and know I’m in great hands. So having that appointment will be really reassuring and exciting.
Praise the Lord, NO! I have had a couple of days where I felt really crappy and I was certain it was the beginning of morning sickness, but thankfully the next day I felt great and I haven’t felt too bad since. KNOCK ON WOOD, I continue to feel this good.
Labor signs?
Not for a while, thank goodness! I’m just getting used to the idea of being pregnant, I’m going to need these next 7 months to accept that a baby is coming.
I have no idea, one minute I am sure it’s a boy and the next I am visualizing girl stuff everywhere…it’s just too soon to have a feeling one way or the other.
Belly Button In or Out?
Eight weeks down and it’s still an innie.
Wedding rings On or Off?
I have made it my personal goal to wear my wedding rings the entire pregnancy {again, wishful thinking}. But I’ve made it 8 weeks so how hard can 32 more weeks be? I know all you mamas out there are laughing at me right now.
I didn’t know what tired was until I became pregnant. Holy Smokes! I can only imagine what its going to feel like down the road and after the nugget arrives. Needless to say I have been exhausted. I’ve been averaging an 8:30pm bed time but have hit the hay as early as 7:30pm on several occasions.
Several things from these first 8 weeks:
*God has a plan, and it’s bigger than yours, so just trust that He knows what He’s doing.
*Fresh air and sunshine can work wonders on your mood.
*When you’re tired, sleep.
*Marrying your best friend is a really good idea.
I’m realizing this advice is not even specific to pregnancy.
Apparently carrying a baby has made me very wise.
READ all of my bumpdates by clicking HERE!